Mon, 27 Feb 2006 17:53:52 +0100 - Benedikt Meurer:
> Attached is a patch for libexo to the latest version.

   I have tried with exo and thunar r20124 as available at the Xfce
snapshot page. It seems the exo patch is already applied as I get the
following message when trying to apply it :

      patching file exo/exo-icon-view.c
      Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected!  Assume -R? [n] 
      Apply anyway? [n] 
      Skipping patch.
      8 out of 8 hunks ignored -- saving rejects to file exo/exo-icon-view.c.rej

   Until now, everything seems to work as expected without side
effect ... as least for ten minutes these r20124 version are
installed :) 

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