Yo'av Moshe wrote:

>I think this idea rocks.
Me too, however, I think we've got somewhat different pictures as to
what the idea is ;).  I actually mentioned this as a feature for Thunar
as a whole, not just the shortcut pane.  It also happens to solve the
shortcut pane problem, so it was a nice opportunity to shamelessly plug
a wish list item ;).

I had actually drafted an e-mail on the subject, but didn't want to send
it until I had a working patch.  I've grown sick of being helpless to
shape the software I use, and wanted to make a feature request with a
patch.  Then I realized that there's a problem: I'm a punk programmer. 
Four years of C and no real projects under my belt mean that I have to
beg and plead, instead of doing it myself.  That said, I will make a
horribly off-topic statement: if anybody knows of an outstanding
resource on GLib for noobs, I'd be grateful ;).  The "official" tutorial
contradicts itself often, doesn't give context, and, um, hasn't even
been spell-checked.

>The normal solution most applications use - the black line that shows
>wheter you're draging an object into or below another object, is nice,
>but can confuse and is sometimes hard to do (with a jagged mouse,
>The hovering solution is the best, and can take Thunar a step further
>other common file managers..
>A user chooses folder A this is inside folder B, and want to move it
>into D, a folder in the sidepane. He drags A into D, and on the moment
>his mouse is hovering D, the content of D is shown on the main pane.
>He puts it there, and Thunar goes back to the previeus view.
Going back to the previous view after the hover takes place is something
to which I wholly object.  It's confusing, and one has to know that it's
going to do this.  Besides that, the pathbar doesn't snap back.  Really,
if you're doing a lot of stuff in the same folder, opening new windows
is more viable.

>If he wants to drag A into the sidepane, to add it as a shortcut, he
>just leaves it anywhere in the sidepane. He shouldn't care seeing D in
>the main pane for a few moments.
If you have to hover for a given period of time (i.e. the same amount of
time it takes for the pathbar), seeing D in the main pane shouldn't even
be relevant.

>I hope you got the idea - it may sound complex, but I think it can put
>some smiles on Thunar new users, giving them options without confusing
Benedikt: I would like to hear how you feel about hovering in any form. 
I understand if you purposely don't have an opinion on the matter, other
than staying out of it.  If you do have any explicit thoughts on the
matter, however, please share :).
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