* Erlend Davidson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-09-15 00:37]:
> Instead, what do you think of a network transparency API (which could  
> be disabled at compile time for extra-lightweightness) that people  
> can write plugins (samba, subversion, cvs) for.  Currently I think  
> only Konqueror has network transparency, so a gtk competitor might be  
> good.

Well, I think the FUSE approach is more promising simply because it
puts things from application programs back to the operating system
which should handle this. For example if you double click on a remote
file, it can be _really_ opened without drawbacks. Not copying the
file to /tmp, opening this file, copying back etc.

For SSH there's sshfs, for SVN, there's the webdav FS, for Bluetooth,
there's also something for bluetooth and of course there's a Samba
file system. Maybe there would be some kind of GUI integration useful
to umount/unmount the systems.

A SVN _client_ (such as Tortoise) integrated in Thunar would be
another story, of course. But that's something the generic API could
not solve because it's different.

And CVS is obsolete in my personal opinion.

"Act like a dumbshit and they'll treat you as an equal."
        -- Ivan E. Moore II

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