Benedikt Meurer wrote:

>>Benedikt, how do you feel about adding an smb DnD target type to 
>>ThunarStandardView?  Should I file a feature request?
>That should be done via XDS in xfsamba.
Oh, so *that* is the point of XDS.  Let the other application do all the 
work.  That makes a whole lot more sense, actually.  And here I am 
patching thunar-vfs to allow drag and drop from a samba browser.  Oh 
well.  I still consider it time well spent, seeing as how I actually got 
it to work (dragging from a samba share in nautilus into thunar).  
Saying how something *should* be done is all well and good -- especially 
if you tell it to whoever is going to be working on XFSamba -- but I 
think there is also something to be said for making your software 
interoperate with other programs which may not do things the best way.

Matt McClinch

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