Hello Benedikt.

Benedikt Meurer, 31.12.2006 14:20:
> Benedikt Meurer wrote:
>>> This is what „kwebdesktop“ offers:
>>> $ kwebdesktop 640 480 thumbnail.png file:///home/you/your-document.html
>>> And there you go: you have your thumbnail. How difficult would it be to
>>> integrate this?
>> Probably 4 hours to install KDE and 1 minute to add it to thunar-vfs. ;-)
> Ok, with the latest Thunar, that'd be (quick&dirty):

That’s great! Can’t wait until this Thunar version arrives at my repository.

> ---< html-thumbnailer.desktop >---
> [Desktop Entry]
> Version=1.0
> Encoding=UTF-8
> Type=X-Thumbnailer
> TryExec=kwebdesktop
> MimeType=text/html;
> Name=HTML Thumbnailer
> X-Thumbnailer-Exec=kwebdesktop 640 480 %o %u
> ----------------------------------
> This one let's kwebdesktop create a 640x480 thumbnail, which Thunar
> scales down afterwards. Unfortunately, kwebdesktop cannot generate
> useful images at the required size directly.

What is „the required size“? Are the thumbnailers called each time the user
changes the size of the icons?

> Maybe someone can hack up a
> tool that links to kdelibs and does this properly.

I’d try it if I was already that far in C programming.

Regards, Mathias


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