Mathias Brodala wrote:
>> ---< html-thumbnailer.desktop >---
>> [Desktop Entry]
>> Version=1.0
>> Encoding=UTF-8
>> Type=X-Thumbnailer
>> TryExec=kwebdesktop
>> MimeType=text/html;
>> Name=HTML Thumbnailer
>> X-Thumbnailer-Exec=kwebdesktop 640 480 %o %u
>> ----------------------------------
>> This one let's kwebdesktop create a 640x480 thumbnail, which Thunar
>> scales down afterwards. Unfortunately, kwebdesktop cannot generate
>> useful images at the required size directly.
> What is „the required size“? Are the thumbnailers called each time the user
> changes the size of the icons?

Either 128 or 256, see the thumbnail spec. Right now Thunar scales down
the 640x480 preview, which is not the optimal result for a webpage (IMHO).

> Regards, Mathias

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