On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 8:17 PM, kilucas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dawn
> Thanks for the information. Being non-technical, I felt a bit daunted
> at the prospect of trying Hypergraph so I was very pleasantly
> surprised when I got it working relatively quickly. And I really like
> the smaller graphs in the samples.

The smaller examples are takend directly from the respective XML files have
nothing to do with TiddlyWiki.

> I think my idea of using it as a visual table of contents probably
> isn't using hypergraph to best effect. I hadn't thought of using it to
> tie TWs together but that's only because I came to Tiddlywiki through
> PersonalBrain which would perform a similar function. But if that
> doesn't fly well I may yet return to hypergraph for that.

TOC is just another way of using Hypergraph, the correct XML just needs to
be generated. You also need to think of what will be defined as the "home
node and how far the branches go i.e.
1. do you list only the tiddlers that directly reference the "home" tiddler?
2. do you only show the show the tiddlers with the same tag as the 2home2

There are number of combinations

> When you generate your own XML for non-tiddler maps, do you construct
> it manually or are you dumping networks out of another tool into your
> XML maps? And if so, which tool do you use please?

Construct the XML manually. It's pretty simple you have a home node, related
nodes and edges that tie them together. If you look at the code for the
hypergraph it's all commented.

> Thanks very much.
> Kevin
> On Oct 6, 1:59 pm, "dawn ahukanna" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 9:05 AM, kilucas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >
> > > I'm using TW 2.4.1.
> >
> > > Getting Hypergraph to work seemed unexpectedly simple with one
> > > exception - though maybe I was lucky!. I just imported all the
> > > Hypergrpah tiddlers listed in the Hypergraph instructions from a copy
> > > of the Hypergraph TW that I'd extracted from the zip file in which I'd
> > > downloaded the hypergraph materials. Then  I reloaded my TW and it
> > > simply worked - as long as the three folders also extracted from the
> > > zip file were in the same folder as my TW.
> >
> > The file structure is detailed in thehttp://
> project.dahukanna.net/tiddlywiki/twextensions.htm#DownloadHype....
> > I wrote the documentation to ensure that all dependencies are
> > clearly identified. If this is not the case please let me know.
> >
> >
> >
> > > I didn't see any reference in the documentation to the importance of
> > > having these folders in the same place - though I may simply have been
> > > unobservant - and initially had copied my TW into all sorts of other
> > > folders.
> >
> > seehttp://
> project.dahukanna.net/tiddlywiki/twextensions.htm#DownloadHype...
>  >
> > > The need to keep the TW with the folders is probably obvious
> > > to technical people but wasn't at all obvious to me. (It only occured
> > > to me when running experiments with ASciencePad which also needs
> > > folders nearby. But Hypergraph actually stores the data for the
> > > displayed maps in these folders whereas ASciencePad only stores
> > > additional software there I think).
> >
> > The reason for this is that Hypergraph is actually a Java application
> that
> > runs in a browser, all I did was package it into a TiddlyWiki plugin to
> use
> > it in a TiddlyWiki.
> >
> >
> >
> > > I also found that copying the three folders alongside my TW didn't
> > > always immeditaely fix the problem even if I reloaded my TW - I don't
> > > understand why. So, if I were doing this again, I would place the
> > > three hypergraph folders alongside my TW first, then import the
> > > hypergraph tiddlers, reload the TW and expect to see the default map
> > > that comes with hypergraph at the top of the TW main page as it does
> > > in the hypergraph demo file.
> >
> > Currently, the information about the Tiddlywiki file is saved to the xml
> > file and then reloaded into the TiddlyWiki by freshing the browser page.
> I
> > actually have a tiddlywiki file that I use as a global navigator for all
> my
> > tiddlywikis by importing all the xml files. This gets around huge
> tiddlywiki
> > performance.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > > It took me a while to realise that this was not showing a map of my
> > > own TW and to realise that the Save XML button or command must be used
> > > to create new map data (in XML - hence the reference to XML) which the
> > > map then displays. I initially ignored this because I wasn't
> > > interested in XML but rather ina  map of my tiddlers. (The map in XML
> > > is stored in the graphs folder - one of the three folders mentioned
> > > above). The Save XML button is not immediately available in the newly
> > > enhanced TW but can be found in the hypergraph Info Plugin I believe
> > > and presumably can be added to a sidebar menu.
> >
> > > Just as I didn't realise I needed to save XML to see a map of my own
> > > TW I think other users of my TW wouldn't either. I'm assuming I can
> > > create a sidebar option labelled something like "refresh tiddler map"
> > > that would be more meaningful. (The original labelling makes sense if
> > > you plan to use Hypergraph to draw maps of other things than your
> > > tiddlers. Examples of these are in the Samples tiddler).
> >
> > > The same Info Plugin also indicates that you can reset the locations
> > > of the three folders above. I'd assumed I would only fiddle with such
> > > complex-looking settings if I wanted to do something especially clever
> > > or unusual with Hypergraph and left these alone without realising
> > > that, by detaching my TW from the folders, I was effectively creating
> > > a neeed to change these config settings if hypergraph were to work. It
> > > was just simpler to put the folders back alongside the TW though for
> > > now.
> >
> > > I'm encountering some further questions and issues as I trial it but
> > > am posting them in this newsgroup separately. If you want to use
> > > Hypergraph, keep an eye on these as I encoiuintered other glitches,
> > > often caused by conflicts with other tiddlers - one of the joys of
> > > separately sourced plugins I suppose!
> >
> > > Hoping this helps.
> >
> > > Kevin
> >
> > I suggest that I get an area on the site that I can use to capture all
> the
> > requirements/feedback. I'll announce as soon as I've set it up.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > > On Oct 1, 11:34 am, wolfgang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > Please share your insights with the community - I did not manage to
> > > > > get Hypergraphs running still.
> >
> > > > The last time I did manage to get Hypergraph reflecting the actual
> > > > tags was in a TiddlyWiki 2.1.3-
> >
> > > > So I guess you're using this older version of TiddlyWiki, Kevin?
> >
> > > > W.
> >
> > > > PS.:If I remember right, you could embed a Hypergraph in a tiddler
> and
> > > > there such examples at Dawn's Hypergraph TiddlyWiki.
> >
> > --http://dahukanna.net- Hide quoted text -
> >
> > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> >
> > - Show quoted text -
>  >


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