> We plan to implement almost exactly what you proposed although we had
> been leaning towards the following syntax:
> <<tiddler TiddlerName::SliceName::SliceField>>

Using the "::" separator twice in the section reference could be very
problematic... especially for code that currently assumes that only
one separator will be present.

For example:
   var parts=split(title,config.textPrimitives.sliceSeparator);
   var slice=parts[1];
   var title=parts[0];
or this
   var pos=title.indexOf(config.textPrimitives.sliceSeparator)
   var slice=title.substr(pos+1);
   var title=title.substr(0,pos);

In the first case, the slice value would be "slicename"
In the second case, the slice value would be  "slicename::slicefield"

By using a different delimiter (such as parens) to identify the
slicefield, it eliminates any possible ambiguities when parsing a
"tiddler::slice(field)" reference.


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