Sounds like a nicer implementation of my ImprovedSlicesPlugin



On Oct 22, 3:13 am, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> Phil Hawksworth and I scratched an itch and came up with
> a "Fat" slice plugin.
> Like the default TiddlyWiki slices the first column is an index.
> Unlike the default slices, you can have multiple columns, and
> access a column by name, the names coming from the title row.
> This is probably best explained with an example:
> in the table:
> | |!column1 |!column2 |!column3 |
> |row1| a | b | c |
> |row2| d | e | f |
> |row3| g | h | i |
> in a tiddler called "Data", the macro:
>     <<slice [[Data]] "row1" "column2">>
> returns "b".
> There's a version in a TiddlyWiki to play with, here:
> You can get the latest version from subversion:
> and via
> (sadly no permalink!)
> I dare say there are other ways of accessing the
> wide values, via the tiddler macro and view templates,
> and we could consider wikifying the values into plain text,
> but for now, it is what it is.
> Enjoy!
> Paul (psd)
> --
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