> "other wikis and other web content management systems, you're not
> exactly a novice at this

Point taken... But the fact remains, that you ARE busy with a wiki and a web
management system. (And not a 70mb MS Word / Frontpage application)

In most of these when you ask:"How can I <insert really interesting and
complex thing> in <name your system>", they'll tell you... You can't...

Here they say:"Oh, just have a look at <nameofplugin>", or "We haven't tried
that! Sounds like a challenge!".

So at this stage you're asking:
"How can I make it easy (yet customizable) for people with no web skills, to
do really advanced stuff that most content management systems can't do"

And I'm answering "You can't, but it's actually already halfway there"...
but guess what... some of these other guys are saying "We have tried that,
and it remains a challenge!"  (They've not given up!)

This *easy* extensibility is exactly why I've asked in a previous thread for
a "fully fledged" tiddly wiki (with page revisions, and a true multi-user
environment).  It's simply better and easier than any other stuff out there
(including Joomla).


On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 11:58 PM, Eric Weir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 11/25/2008 Reenen Laurie wrote:
> >  Copy the text into a new tiddler (that you give the right name), and
> >  add systemConfig as a tag.  Press save, and F5.
> >
> >  As far as other wikis and other web content management systems go,
> >  this is as easy as it gets.
> Well, it's not always so easy. Often there have to be modifications to
> stylesheets, viewtemplates, etc. May be as "easy as it gets" for someone
> like yourself -- obviously, being in a position to compare TW versus
> "other wikis and other web content management systems, you're not
> exactly a novice at this -- but when someone who knows nothing about
> CSS, e.g., is given vague instructions to put a snippet of code
> somewhere in a tiddler filled with obscure code it doesn't appear easy
> at all. Initial attempts to follow them are often unsuccessful. When
> they are it's often a complete mystery why. Big chunks of days have
> disappeared out of my life trying resolve such mysteries. At the end of
> the day it's never a good feeling -- whether you've succeded or not.
> I don't mean to be ungrateful or unappreciative. This is clearly one of
> the most creative, caring, and generous communities around. By a long
> shot. That said, there could be a bit more imagination about what it's
> like for the ordinary user.
> I hope no one takes offense at this. I do not mean to give it. Only to
> say how it appears to me.
> Sincerely,
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Eric Weir
> Decatur, GA  USA
> >

,_.>/ _
...speed is good
I believe five out of four people have a problem with fractions.

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