> Fans of Eric's TaggedTemplateTweak, and I count myself as one, might
> like to look at my TaggedTemplatePlugin, which is the same idea, but
> with different priority designed for partially defined themes:
> http://whatfettle.com/2008/07/TaggedTemplatePlugin/

I'm wondering if you built your variant code after reading through an
*older* version of TaggedTemplateTweak (TTT).  The current version is:

version.extensions.TaggedTemplateTweak= {major: 1, minor: 4, revision:
1, date: new Date(2008,8,29)};

The reason I think this might have been the case is that, contrary to
your documentation, both plugins *do* have the same priority for
applying "partially defined themes"... specifically, just as with your
code, TTT *does* look first in the current theme (aka, 'skin') to find
the matching template, and then looks for a separate tiddler only if
the template is not defined as a section of the theme.

Also (and again, contrary to your documentation), TTT does do a case-
*sensitive* lookup, followed by a fallback for case-*insensitive*
lookup.  This fallback simply allows use of a leading lower case
letter on the tag value (the usual convention for most TW tags), with
proper WikiWord naming of the corresponding template, e.g, a tag of
"foo" will match [[fooViewTemplate]] first, with a fallback to

Note that if both [[fooViewTemplate]] *and* [[FooViewTemplate]] were
to exist in the same document, (which, would be kind of odd, I
think...), then the "Foo" and "foo" tags would still be correctly
matched to their respective templates because the case-insensitive
lookup is only applied as a fallback if an exact, case-sensitive match
isn't found.

The last difference you reported is that your plugin sorts the tags
first, so that they are scanned in alphanumeric order, while TTT just
uses the order of the tags as they occur 'naturally' on the tiddler.
This re-ordering of the tags *can* produce a difference in the
template that is selected for use (assuming there is a conflict
between two tags on the same tiddler), but both plugins will stop
scanning the tags when they find the first matching template, so any
difference in result is *entirely* due to the order in which the tags
are scanned.  It would be a simple matter add sorting to the tag
lookup in TTT, so in this final regard, TTT would then completely
match the functionality you want.  Then, you could continue to use TTT
to meet your needs, without having to "roll your own"...


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