Hi Eric!

> I'm wondering if you built your variant code after reading through an
> *older* version of TaggedTemplateTweak (TTT).  The current version is:
> version.extensions.TaggedTemplateTweak= {major: 1, minor: 4, revision:
> 1, date: new Date(2008,8,29)};

The version I looked at was indeed older, used by RippleRap:

but at least was newer than the one I found here:

I have a strong preference to use a copy from release control from the
of stability and convenience for cook, deployment, etc.

> The reason I think this might have been the case is that, contrary to
> your documentation, both plugins *do* have the same priority for
> applying "partially defined themes"... specifically, just as with your
> code, TTT *does* look first in the current theme (aka, 'skin') to find
> the matching template, and then looks for a separate tiddler only if
> the template is not defined as a section of the theme.

That's interesting, given that's the inverse behavior than the older
version, I didn't envisage you making such a drastic change in the
later version given making the tiddlers have priority over the skin
value; I can imagine a use-case where the Skin was the default theme
which a user could change by adding a tagged template tiddler.
I guess you realise this change breaks backwards compatibility for
any application using TTT which relies upon such behavior.

> Also (and again, contrary to your documentation), TTT does do a case-
> *sensitive* lookup, followed by a fallback for case-*insensitive*
> lookup.  This fallback simply allows use of a leading lower case
> letter on the tag value (the usual convention for most TW tags), with
> proper WikiWord naming of the corresponding template, e.g, a tag of
> "foo" will match [[fooViewTemplate]] first, with a fallback to
> [[FooViewTemplate]].

I have to be honest, and didn't find this feature useful, and
especially with TagsSuchAsThis. I much prefer the canonicalisation
of tags to all lowercase with punctuation removed, this is common on
sites such as Flickr.

> Note that if both [[fooViewTemplate]] *and* [[FooViewTemplate]] were
> to exist in the same document, (which, would be kind of odd, I
> think...), then the "Foo" and "foo" tags would still be correctly
> matched to their respective templates because the case-insensitive
> lookup is only applied as a fallback if an exact, case-sensitive match
> isn't found.

As you say, that would be a little odd, but could be a valid use-case
for someone. With my approach tags called FooBar, fooBar, foobar,
etc all map to the single foobarViewTemplate and tiddlers called
FooBarViewTemplate or even fooBarViewTemplate would
be ignored.

> The last difference you reported is that your plugin sorts the tags
> first, so that they are scanned in alphanumeric order, while TTT just
> uses the order of the tags as they occur 'naturally' on the tiddler.
> This re-ordering of the tags *can* produce a difference in the
> template that is selected for use (assuming there is a conflict
> between two tags on the same tiddler), but both plugins will stop
> scanning the tags when they find the first matching template, so any
> difference in result is *entirely* due to the order in which the tags
> are scanned.

I actually think picking the template based on the order tags are
defined, rather than by the priority of the names of the tags is a
valid use-case, it's just happens not to be *my* use-case.

> It would be a simple matter add sorting to the tag
> lookup in TTT, so in this final regard, TTT would then completely
> match the functionality you want.  Then, you could continue to use TTT
> to meet your needs, without having to "roll your own"...

That's a generous gesture, and you of course you are free to add
sort to your plugin regardless of what I think, but I might discourage
given it changes what might be for someone interesting behavior.
We could make this optional, though that makes what is a simple
idea into a complex piece of machinery.

> thoughts?

I thought long and hard before 'forking', and didn't do so lightly,
but my
thinking is this - we both find the notion of attaching templates by
useful, and I dare say would both like to see this in the core:


However, as we're discovering, there are options on the way such
mechanism might behave, and there are probably others we've not
yet thought through, and all of which have valid use-cases.
I therefore suggest we remain fellow travelers, and keep the fork.

One thing I do feel bad about is if I misrepresented TTT in my
for this I apologise. My intent was to highlight the differences to
users, and
in a way gather information from the marketplace. Given you are
evolving TTT
I've removed that documentation, but kept an encouragement for people
look at your plugin:


Hope you're OK with this approach!

With regards,
Paul (psd)
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