I use tagglyTagging daily and I find it extremely useful. I can warmly
recommend it as its functionality is not included in core TW.

Basically, in a tiddler "A", it renders a list of all other tiddlers
tagged "A". The list is located at the bottom of each tiddler, and is
part of the template (as far as I can tell), i.e if you open a tiddler
in view mode (such as when you write something in it) you will not see
any taggly-code there.

It also allows you various views of this list, such as a tree
structure of every other tiddler tagged "A" and *their* sub-tiddlers,
or you can have it so that they are grouped into what other tags they
might have, etc etc.
(Actually, one of the few things that is not fully satisfactory is
that there are several different displays but how to choose between
them is a bit iffy. Would probaby be better if the alternatives were
presented in drop down boxes or such).

The explanation on the site is in deed a bit 'meaty'. I would say you
can skip it and instead just install the plugin. As many things are
more or less automatically tagged when you use TW, you will see the
(positive) consequences of it.

I find tagglyTagging very, very valuable and can wholeheartedly
recommend it.


On Jan 6, 7:48 pm, altiplano <altipl...@gmx.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm a new TiddlyWiki user and I ask myself the same questions about
> this plugin present usefulness.
> I disabled it to see what would be missing but did not notice any
> difference.
> I may be short-sighted or simply not gaining the true benefit of it
> according to my present TiddlyWiki use, which is rather basic so far.
> Anyway, inputs from advanced/power users would be appreciated.
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