**Trying very hard to express self clearly**

Do you ever have any reason to look at items that you've 'checked
off' (finished)?  The reason I ask is that sometimes I'll have a next
action tiddler; in real life I'll complete the action; but then
instead of checking it off I'll create my next-next action on that
project by editing the tiddler for the just completed action.

Example:  I finished "Context office; project get life insurance:
Complete WAEPA application.  Yadda yadda supporting notes such as
address to send it to, etc"

After I finished it I edited it to "Context home; project get life
insurance:  Have wife sign completed WAEPA application.  Yadda yadda
supporting notes such as address to send it to, etc"

The advantage is that it saves a little work in transferring stuff
such as the yadda yadda supporting notes to a new tiddler; the
(potential) disadvantage is that I lose the record of the action I
have completed.

So all that is to ask, do you find any value in retaining a record of
your completed actions?


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