I have sort of similar problem:
I have
- NA's and active projects.
- S/M actions and projects that i want to review every week or twice a
week because they're stuff that i need to make active somewhere in the
coming weeks. I suspect this is what you call the 'pending' items.
- S/M actions and projects that are just wild ideas and stuff i might
someday want to do.

The problem is that the third category is huge. I spill ideas
continuously. Sometimes small and dumb stuff, but nonetheless
important enough to write down. So what I do in monkeyGTD is create a
seperate realm "IDEAS" where I put all that stuff. And I don't review
it weekly, but monthly, nor do I review it as thorough as the
'pending' S/M list in my standard realm (which is called "NOW").

Maybe you can do something similar?


On Feb 26, 9:07 pm, jdunham <jwdun...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I wanted to brainstorm about making the mGTD system even more useful.
> So here's my problem:
> I have three kinds of projects or tasks:
> Things that I'm actively working on
> Things that are urgent, but have to wait until my active ones are done
> ("pending?")
> Things that I should do someday or maybe not at all.
> You can probably see where I'm going with this.  mGTD only has two of
> these categories.  If the pending stuff is made active, then it's hard
> to focus on next actions when there are 50 of them instead of 3 to 5.
> If the pending stuff is in the S/M (someday/maybe) list, then it gets
> lost, and when I do have space in the active list, I have to browse
> through many more items to find the best candidates to make active.
> I find I have this problem on both the action level and the project
> level.
> For now I am using the stars to flag the more important items, but I
> have to say I don't like it.  What I really want is "next and waiting
> actions", which I keep onscreen at all times to show all next and
> pending stuff, and I only want to see the S/M stuff during my weekly
> review.
> For stuff that I have absolutely no chance of working on today (today
> for actions, this week for projects), I don't want to see it in my
> active list, but I hate banishing it to S/M where its really going to
> get lost in the crowd.
> While I don't want to break the purity of the David Allen concept, I
> honestly feel that this is missing from his idea too.
> How hard would it be to add a third attribute? Obviously the hardest
> part would be changing the view tiddlers, but I hereby volunteer to
> help.  Does anyone know how/whether other GTD tools handle this?
> Any other ideas?

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