Several menus or e.g mind maps are both usable and beautiful but take
up a lot of valuable real estate. On the one hand you need access to
the menus all the time, but on the other hand they are in the way for
everything else all the time.

Is there any plugin or generic solution to make specified tiddlers
floating and collapsable and *dockable* (is that a word?) to the
browser frame. A concrete example;

In e.g Windows and Mac, you have the bars typically at the bottom that
(depending on settings) can appear when touching the edge of the
window, but otherwise sink back and "disappear". A floating tiddler
with e.g an otherwise bulky mindmap-type menu could appear when e.g
the top or right edge of the browser window is touched.

E.g something as beautiful - but big - as HyperTiddlyWiki [1] could be
laid there. A related idea, would be a menu or tree or mind-map etc
that only shows a part, such as closely related tiddlers, but when
'touched' in some certain way, it expands into the full display.


[1] Dawn Ahukanna
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