This is really neat, especially because it's then possible to make
changes to a form while it's being viewed in transclusion!
But as Dave says, the refresh doesn't quite keep up - whenever either
the original tiddler or the transclusion tiddler is changed, the other
tiddler has to be closed and reopened in order to display the change.

Am I correct that the "wrapper" is also the reason why, even with this
tweak installed, my form <data> that is inside <part></part> still
doesn't display?

On May 22, 11:57 pm, Dave Parker <> wrote:
> I think you're on to something...
> the fix does work for viewing the form tiddler in the pop-up, but it
> disables the viewing of the form tiddler in the straight "right from
> the tiddler" way...
> Any ideas? (he said hopefully :-)
> Thanks,
> Dave
> On May 22, 10:23 pm, Eric Shulman <> wrote:
> > > The slider isn't really the issue.  The problem is that data in a form
> > > tiddler does not appear in transclusion (e.g., when using the
> > > <<tiddler>> macro) - all you can see is the outline of the form, not
> > > the contents of the form fields.
> > The problem originates with the 'lookup function' that
> > [[FormTiddlerPlugin]] is using to identify the tiddler in which the
> > <<formTiddler>> macro and <data>...</data> block are stored (the
> > "source" tiddler).
> > Here's what that function currently looks like:
> > ------------------------------------------
> > config.macros.formTiddler.getContainingTiddlerName = function(element)
> > {
> >         return story.findContainingTiddler(element).id.substr(7);}
> > ------------------------------------------
> > Unfortunately, story.findContainingTiddler() (a standard TW core
> > function) always returns the title of the *outermost* containing
> > tiddler -- in this case, the one that invokes the <<tiddler>> macro --
> > rather than name the actual source tiddler that was transcluded when
> > that macro was processed.  This, of course, produces the results that
> > you have observed: the plugin is unable to retrieve the form data,
> > because it is looking in the wrong tiddler!
> > Fortunately, there may be a relatively easy solution...
> > The key is to know that, whenever a tiddler is displayed in the story
> > column, it is contained within a 'wrapper' element that includes a
> > special "tiddler" attribute that holds the title of the current
> > tiddler.
> > Similarly, whenever a <<tiddler>> macro is processed, the transcluded
> > content is also contained in a wrapper element that has its own
> > "tiddler" attribute, set to the title of the source tiddler that was
> > transcluded.
> > The fix involves re-defining the FormTiddlerPlugin lookup function, so
> > that it will find the *innermost* wrapper that has a "tiddler"
> > attribute, and then use *that* value to retrieve the correct
> > <data>...</data> block.
> > We can do this by adding an extra tiddler, e.g.,
> > [[FormTiddlerPluginTweak]], tagged with 'systemConfig', with the
> > following replacement code:
> > ------------------------------------------
> > config.macros.formTiddler.getContainingTiddlerName = function(e) {
> >         // find transcluded OR containing tiddler
> >         while(e && !e.getAttribute("tiddler")) e=e.parentNode;
> >         return e?e.getAttribute("tiddler"):e;};
> > ------------------------------------------
> > PLUS: as an added bonus, because 'transclusion' via the <<tabs>> macro
> > works the same way as the <<tiddler>> macro (i.e., it sets the
> > "tiddler" attribute of the containing wrapper), this 'tweak' should
> > also fix the same problem when using forms from within tabs!
> > Give it a try and let me know what happens...
> > enjoy,
> > -e
> > Eric Shulman
> > TiddlyTools / ELS Design Studios
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