Morris ....
You've just made my day ....
I vote for TWMath ;-) and a timemachine (Could you perhaps make it
show some false timestamps - to revert the financial crisis - I
wonder ...??)
YS Måns Mårtensson

On May 27, 6:11 am, Morris Gray <> wrote:
> On May 27, 11:45 am, Simon Baird <> wrote:
> > On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 2:09 AM, Paul Downey (psd)
> And you might mention TW Math
> Probably the easiest, lightest complete way to communicate in higher
> mathematics you'll ever see.  No special svg graphic sets or bulky
> special editors to download, no clumsy word processor add ons.
> And you can publish an HTML page from your TiddlyWiki of your
> mathematical innovations. Now you can take the lightest of equation
> displays and math communicators to conferences on a thumb drive. Leave
> that laptop at home, sail through airport security.
> Show Andrew Wiles, in detail, your latest proof of where he went
> wrong  on Fermat's last theorem.... then quickly pocket your thumb
> drive with TW Math on it and run and run.... yell over your
> shoulder,as you go,  "The answer was in the margins all along....
> heehee !"
> What is this revolutionary innovation?  A TiddlyWiki, of course, with
> the TW Math plugin.  It has brought higher mathematical equations to
> the masses. With the current roll out of laptops for school children
> this  will be used in the hundreds of thousands. Insert complex math
> equations directly into a tiddler then print it or publish an HTML
> page.
> So small it rattles around in the memory of the XO/OLPC. The one
> laptop per child program will never be the same. Mathematical geniuses
> will emerge from the darkest heart of Africa to claim the high ground
> and rebuild a financially shattered world.
> The place where humanity began shall bloom again.  Where once a human
> emerged from the jungle with a stone axe to claim the savanna as their
> own;  a new millennium has come into being with a new tool to
> rejuvenate the world... With the equation capable TiddlyWiki in hand a
> new generation will be born... one born to save us from our folly and
> take care of us in our old age.
> Had TW Math been adopted before the financial crisis. the whole fiasco
> would have never happened.  Word could have easily been communicated
> that their risk assessment formulas were all wrong. That the computer
> stop-loss algorithms used by so many traders of puts and calls, and
> other derivatives were recursive and allowed risks that should never
> have happened.
> Now the world will find out the truth, that Pi R square has never been
> right - it's corn-bread that R square.
> Morris Gray
> Equation capable 
> TiddlyWikis
> Oh.. and one in Danish...
> On May 27, 11:45 am, Simon Baird <> wrote:
> > On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 2:09 AM, Paul Downey (psd)
> > <>wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > Osmosoft are in the process of putting some posters together to
> > > explain TiddlyWiki - how it works and how it is used.
> > > One of the ideas is to illustrate the universe of TiddlyWiki themes
> > > and verticals by collecting as many "interesting" TiddlyWiki examples
> > > as we can find out there in the wild.
> > > I hesitate to list the ones we have so far, and we're obviously very
> > > sensitive to missing something obvious and important, so maybe you can
> > > all help out by suggesting your favorite uses of TiddlyWiki, the more
> > > diverse, the better.
> > Include a zone for the RPGers. They like TW for writing up
> > campaigns/worlds/characters/NPCs.
> > References:
> > And presumably you already got the GTDers. They'd feature prominently I
> > would guess.. :)
> > Teachers/educators?
> > Obsessive tweakers? :)
> > Simon.
> > --
> >
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