Hi All

A real strange one!. I have been playing around with
TreeviewPluginPlugin....started out with the TW-Notes version as I
like the layout/template and started deleting the load of extra stuff
that I donĀ“t need.....until it broke!!!! OK went back and carefully
did it again...it broke at a different place!   When I say "broke",
the tight compact treeview in the main menu gets itself stretched out
width-wise and with spacing dots in front of each tiddler name.

When I went back to an earlier version of my work...and tried to open
it, 8 ou 9 of the installed plugins, that previously worked fine won't
open up.....plugin manager gives me the list of broken
plugins........opening them up....each broken plugin (not related to
the Treeview set) has <headup> at the very head of the tiddler....and
some (not all) now have </headup> at the bottom. Thats getting
complicated for me.

Shut down Firefox....fire it up again...and now that same TW loads and
works fine......for a while.....then a slight modification (nothing to
do with Treeview)...it breaks again...as described  before...

Shutdown...fire up an now my TW opens OK, looks sweet, except that all
the grafics in treeview mainmenu are gone...no little pictures...it
still works, opens and  closes..if I click just in front of the
tiddler name...but thats not the idea.

Any clues???? Each time it breaks there are plugins (mostly older
ones) that have this <headup> embedded in them. Where is that coming
from ????


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