> One other thing I noticed since that earlier revision is that when I
> click "done" after making changes to my tiddler containing the list, I
> get a nonresponsive script error (this happened also when I
> experimented with editing the ListboxNewSample tiddler on 
> thehttp://www.tiddlytools.comsite).

Wow!  You found a serious problem... an 'runaway' loop caused by a
*programming error* on my part!!!

It's been fixed.  Get the update (v1.2.2) here:

Here's the details:

When any tiddler is changed, config.macros.select.refresh() is invoked
so that listbox contents can be kept in sync.  This function contains
a loop that starts with this code:
   for (var i=0; i<lists.length; i++) { ...
which calls upon config.macros.select.render() to re-display each
listbox whose 'listsrc' matches the title of the tiddler that was just
changed.  However, inside render(), there *was* this code:
   if (here) for (i=0; i<here.options.length; i++) { ...

The problem: in the second piece of code, the loop index 'i', was not
declared as a *local variable* (i.e. using the 'var' keyword).  As a
result, the loop within the render() function 'stomps on' the value of
'i' that is in use in the calling function, and that loop ends up re-
rendering the same listbox over and over and over and over....

The fix was simply to change that second bit of code to:
   if (here) for (var i=0; i<here.options.length; i++) { ...

The lesson for programmers:
   Make sure to always use 'var' to limit the scope of simple loop
index variables to the current function only.


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