Hi Jonnan

On Jul 30, 1:11 am, Jonnan <jonnan.w...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I feel like I must be both reinventing the wheel, and the most
> retarded caveman ever to do it,but to expand the functionality of
> TiddlyWiki for writing stories, I have been trying to get a macro to
> interpret/add inline svg graphics to tiddlywiki.
> I have found all sorts of things where people have gone well beyond
> the simple thing I want - science graphs, interactive charts, and so
> on, and I've found a code snippet (http://softwareas.com/inline-svg)
> for doing inline svg that, going by the reactions of seemingly
> competent people that posted at the time, seems to obviously just be
> something anyone even slightly competent could cut and paste into a
> macro and at least get a simple graphic to work.

> <<SVG "<circle r=\"50\" cx=\"50\" cy=\"50\" fill=\"green\"/>">>

While this may be beyond your needs, have you looked at Paulo Soares'

The following three lines will produce a SVG graphic of a red circle
of radius 50 pixels filled with green.


To explain the commands, here is some more information.
The commands begin with "(:graph()" and end with ":)".
The "(:graph" line has option that set the width and height of the
graphic in pixels. I have used 102 pixels to give a 1 pixel boundary
to the circle that with have a diameter of 100 pixels.
The "coords:'none'" means that the when you hover the mouse over the
graphic, the graph co-ordinates of the mouse pointer will not be
displayed. By default the co-ordinates are displayed which is fine for
a graph but not what you would want for a graphic.
The "scales:[-51,51]" sets the lower and upper limits for the (hidden)
x-axis and y-axis upon which you are plotting the circle. I have set
the value to 51 so as to avoid any clipping when plotting the circle
up to x=-50 and x=50.

The line "circle([0,0],50,{stroke:'red',fill:'green'}); " draws the
actual circle.
The "[0,0]" is the co-ordinate of the centre of the circle. The ",50"
is the radius of the circle.
The options "{stroke:'red',fill:'green'}" set the line colour to 'red'
and the fill to 'green'.

Finally, the command is ended with ":)".

Andrew Mc

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