Hello Mat,

I'm not sure what you mean "first tiddler right away." I think you
want the header to be suppressed.

In fire fox 3.0.13, this will suppress the document header and the
tiddler title:

@media print {
.title, .header {display:none;}
#mainMenu, #sidebar, #messageArea, .toolbar, #backstageButton,
#backstageArea {display: none ! important;}
#displayArea {margin: 1em 1em 0em 1em;}
/* Fixes a feature in Firefox where print preview displays the
noscript content */
noscript {display:none;}

Note the line with .title, .header.

If you don't want to see even the date stamp, then change that line

.title, .header, .subtitle {display:none;}

Its possible that other browsers, especially older versions of IE,
don't know how to handle the @media instructions.


On Sep 1, 1:31 pm, Mat <matiasg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On demand - a clarification:
> (actually, I didn't get Marks kind suggestion to work ;-)
> For this particular TW I'm using Mr. Bairds wonderful MonkeyPirateTW
> [1]
> What I want on my printouts is simply that the top 'item' on the print
> out is the first tiddler right away.
> It would also be OK, but not necessary, if the actually printed first
> tiddlers title is also suppresed.
> Testing with Marks suggestion in the StyleSheetPrint, i.e: .title
> {display:none}
> and alternatively testing with: #title {display:none;}
> as per the following, does not does not affect the title as desired
> nor in any other way, as far as I can tell.
> /*{{{*/
> @media print {
> #mainMenu, #sidebar, #messageArea, .toolbar, #backstageButton,
> #backstageArea {display: none ! important;}
> #displayArea {margin: 1em 1em 0em 1em;}, .title {display:none}
> /* Fixes a feature in Firefox where print preview displays the
> noscript content */
> noscript {display:none;}}
> /*}}}*/
> Any other suggestions? Thanks!
> [1]http://mptw.tiddlyspot.com/
> On Sep 1, 6:03 pm, "Markk S." <throa...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > I guess you must mean that you don't want the Tiddler title to show.
> > Personally, I *usually* like the title to show, and I suspect I'm not
> > alone. You may have to be more particular in what you want, since what
> > we see as the title has various components, like the modification.
> > By posting the following solution, hopefully I will trigger about 8
> > other responses,  all more intelligent.
> > In StyleSheetPrint there may already be a
> >   @media print { ... } group.
> > If not, make one.
> > Then inside that group put:
> >   .title {display:none}
> > That should suppress the *title* only.
> > Good luck!
> > Mark
> > On Sep 1, 5:55 am, Amzg <matiasg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > How setup so that printouts don't print the TW title etc? I.e only
> > > the
> > > Something in StyleSheetPrint?
> > > I'd actually assume that since TWs typically are personal there little
> > > need to actually have the TW title in the printouts by default. Just
> > > maybe it should be an option in [[Tweak advanced options]]
> > > Thanks
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