> I notice that "/[object object]" is in the 'pages visited' list.  I
> don't know what that is.

Just a guess (I haven't looked at any plugin or GA code):

In order to track the viewing of individual tiddlers, I assume that
the TW implementation for Google Analytics (GA) is hijacking the
core's displayTiddler() function.  I also assume that this hijack
takes the tiddler title, as passed to displayTiddler(), and uses it to
construct a 'fake' URL with "/TiddlerName" on the end of it that is
reported back to GA.

However, the displayTiddler() function can accept either a tiddler
*title* (a text string) or a tiddler *object* (which it then accesses
to get the title).  As a result, if the GA-hijacked displayTiddler()
code attempts to use the tiddler *object* in a text expression to
construct the fake URL then, because the tiddler object does not have
a .toString() method, it reports back "[object object]" instead of the
actual tiddler title.

Here's the first few lines of the core's displayTiddler() javascript
code that illustrates the technique for properly accessing the title:
Story.prototype.displayTiddler = function
        var title = (tiddler instanceof Tiddler) ? tiddler.title : tiddler;

If this code technique is applied to the appropriate place in the
current GA-hijacked code, it should eliminate the spurious "[object
object]" from items appearing in your logs.

Another approach that might work, but has potentially more far-
reaching effect, would be to add a .toString() method for the tiddler
Tiddler.prototype.toString() = function() { return this.title; }
Once this is defined, use of a tiddler object within a text expression
should trigger the .toString() method, resulting in the actual tiddler
title being used in the expression instead of "[object object]".

Eric Shulman
TiddlyTools / ELS Design
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