Wow @Jeremy, it is the first time I see the 
hide furniture is really nice; do you know if there is any versions 
compatible with newer tiddlywiki versions? Tried to use it for some poems 
with fade instead of zoom and a sticky footer;; 
but the page was quite heavy (> 7 mb!) (sorry for being offtopic)


lørdag 25. april 2020 14.19.06 UTC+2 skrev Jeremy Ruston følgende:
> Hi Edgaras
> Welcome, your offer is much appreciated. I liked the work in  TW revamp 
> v0.01 
> <>
>  and 
> look forward to you exploring your vision further. Your thoughts on 
> progressively revealing complexity are particularly interesting.
> As others have pointed out, it’s likely to be less constraining to aim for 
> an alternate theme rather than replacing the current default “Snow 
> White”/“Vanilla” theme. TiddlyWiki themes are switchable so users can 
> choose the theme that is best suited for a particular activity or audience, 
> so it isn’t necessary to duplicate all of the functionality available in 
> the default theme.
> Having said that, the default theme can’t entirely go away for reasons of 
> backwards compatibility, and so any ideas for improving it would be 
> welcome. It’s a much less enticing brief because of the complexities 
> involved in that need for backwards compatibility, but it could make a big 
> impact.
>    1. The navigation when clicking links. Do you find it useful that 
>    tiddles are opening as a vertical stack? I find it kind of confusing, and 
>    not really helpful when you have increasingly large stack. I would like to 
>    explore alternative interactions:
>    - Swapping the tiddle with a new one, but keeping the breadcrumbs on 
>       top (if possible?) and giving < and > navigation, back and forward in 
> time 
>       where you've been.
>       - Stacking tiddle when opening into tabs, so you can switch then by 
>       clicking or keyboard shortcut.
> TiddlyWiki uses the term “storyview” to refer to the way that tiddlers are 
> displayed and navigated. The default linear sequence of tiddlers is called 
> “classic”. The core also ships with “zoomin” and “pop”. Zoomin displays a 
> single tiddler at a time with a transition animation as links are clicked 
> (see for an example). “Pop” 
> is the same as “classic” but with a different transition animation.
> Additional storyviews are available via plugins. For example, the official 
> library includes a “stacked” storyview that displays tiddlers as a 
> perspective stack of cards (see illustration below).
> None of that is to invalidate your ideas, more to show that this is an 
> area where there are a lot of possibilities that we have yet to explore, 
> and that we have a framework that simplifies that exploration.
>    1. Editing mode. How can we make the editing more fluent with viewing. 
>    It distances you from just writing if you have to click edit and save 
>    everytime. You should be able to navigate text with keyboard or just click 
>    anywhere in text right away and start editing. Saving should happen 
>    automatically (to local storage). All the text-type formatting could be 
>    hidden, unless it's relevant for the selected word or sentence. This will 
>    reduce visual clutter. Check the simplicity of text editing in *Typora* 
>    <>!
> The difference between editing and view mode is hard to hide away. In 
> TiddlyWiki we have very dynamic markup (like transclusions) where there has 
> to be a way to switch between editing/viewing the markup and its results.
> In my work for clients I have developed a WYSIWYG editor for TiddlyWiki 
> but it’s really only suitable for very limited use cases, where users are 
> only typing regular text and formatting, and not using any dynamic markup. 
> It’s based on Quill.js which seems to be popular but I find it very clunky 
> to use, particularly making links. One of the goals of TiddlyWiki is to 
> make linking be part of the punctuation of writing.
> You are not the first to mention that saving should happen automatically 
> to local storage. We’ve had much discussion about that here and it’s proved 
> more controversial than I would have expected, but the fact is that local 
> storage is treated like a purgeable cache by browsers, and cannot be 
> trusted to retain valuable user data.
> Anyhow, not to be pessimistic, I think there’s a lot we could do to 
> improve the editing experience, but I don’t think there’s a whole lot of 
> low hanging fruit without significant development within the core. The 
> simple goal of being able to click on some text and start editing it right 
> away is a good example: in TiddlyWiki, the text might be the result of a 
> complex computed transclusion, and determining the right tiddler to edit 
> could be non-trivial.
> Many thanks again,
> Best wishes
> Jeremy

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