On Saturday, April 25, 2020 at 5:31:23 AM UTC-5, Edgaras wrote:
> Moving forward I see *two main issues *that prevents simplicity:
>    1. The navigation when clicking links. Do you find it useful that 
>    tiddles are opening as a vertical stack? I find it kind of confusing, and 
>    not really helpful when you have increasingly large stack. I would like to 
>    explore alternative interactions:
>    - Swapping the tiddle with a new one, but keeping the breadcrumbs on 
>       top (if possible?) 
> *I actually did this part a number of years ago. Or maybe it was for TW 
classic. Yes, yes, it was for classic. But I am not a coder or programmer, 
just a guy.*

>    - and giving < and > navigation, back and forward in time where you've 
>       been.
>       - Stacking tiddle when opening into tabs, so you can switch then by 
>       clicking or keyboard shortcut. 
>    1. Editing mode. How can we make the editing more fluent with viewing. 
>    It distances you from just writing if you have to click edit and save 
>    everytime. You should be able to navigate text with keyboard or just click 
>    anywhere in text right away and start editing. Saving should happen 
>    automatically (to local storage). All the text-type formatting could be 
>    hidden, unless it's relevant for the selected word or sentence. This will 
>    reduce visual clutter. Check the simplicity of text editing in *Typora* 
>    <http://typora.io>! → *Quick demo* <https://typora.io/img/beta.mp4>
> *Maybe a sticky toolbar 
> <https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_css_sticky_social_bar.asp>for the 
> various parts of the edittemplate. Click to open fields, click to open 
> types, click to open preview, click to have editor toolbar buttons visible, 
> etc*

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