On Monday, May 18, 2020 at 3:51:00 PM UTC-4, Riz wrote:
> Personally I do not see much difference between markdown markup and 
tiddlywiki markup.

The very first thing I do on starting anything new with tiddlywiki is to 
install the Markdown plugin.  I spend a great deal of time on 
GitHub/GitLab, on StackOverflow and many other places where some flavor of 
Markdown is the default.  It's not simply muscle memory -- although that's 
part of it -- but the simplicity is quite welcome.

> Given that HTML is the target for both, ultimately what markup we choose 
is pointless.

Ah, but I think of HTML as one possible viewing target.  I read Markdown in 
many ways, and one of the most common ways is in the original format.  
Where Markdown really shines is in how readable the basic format is without 
any translation.

Of course tiddlywiki markup is much more powerful, and all the TW tools are 
at your disposal when working in it.  So for anything more complicated, I 
use it.  But for writing basic text I've found nothing more useful than 

  -- Scott

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