With TW5 we have to use the TW refresh button, not the browser refresh 
button. After doing 30 minutes of edits I was tired (and sick and on tons 
of meds) and accidentally hit the browser refresh and lost all my work. So 
in TW5 can someone make a change to disable or make the browser refresh 
button disappear? I use Chrome for TW5 files. 

The idea is when a TW file is viewed by Chrome TW would disable or hide the 
browser refresh button. My TW is on tiddlyspot.com. But when Chrome views 
other websites the refresh button would still be available.

This would be really helpful to avoid accidents like I had. I described my 
7 week cough in Jeremy's thread about his health. 


p.s. sorry I could not get the tags "tw5" or "tiddlywiki5" to work for this 

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