Hi there

I thanks to creator of bibtex import and refnote plugins. I am new to 
tiddlywiki and i am leaning to how to use. i have some problems. 

1- Bibtex imported my some referecence 
for example: this  book name  Medical Statistics: A Guide to SPSS, Data 
Analysis and Critical Appraisal to 
Medical {{Statistics}}: {{A Guide}} to {{SPSS}}, {{Data Analysis}} and 
{{Critical Appraisal}}
Barton, Belinda and Peat, Jennifer

2. Is there any way of auto suggestion while entering a reference

For example after <<ref + authorname ( is there way to show and suggest 
similar reference  from my library while i am writing author name)

3- How can we design an tiddlywiki article for different journal style. For 
example i want to write my article according to chiacago style or american 
journal of family medicine 

4- How can i convert my tiddly to a word or pdf output ?

I am sorry for taking your times. 


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