Thanks Tony


> $:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/sticky and set Top to 40px
part is perfect - on the default ( a value of 28 works okay. 
Any more than that and you can see the rest of the tiddler cycle above the 
sticky title, which seems wonky.

The other part 

> $:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/storytop 
> <>
Doesn't seem to do anything related to that, though in reading the thread, 
I'd agree that for the long term, that setting should also probably control 
where sticky titles lives

Any ideas on making the menubar itself taller though? It's so thin it 
doesn't have much padding above/below the search bar and looks kind of 
unfinished to me. I'd like it thicker - kind of like the height / function 
of this google groups page as I type. 

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