A point of clarification in response to some of the comments here, and some 
private messages I have received: 

Firstly, this is not an attempt at creating a WYSIWYG editor or mitigating 
the lack of one. 

I see the value in two areas:
a) quickly and conveniently creating and manipulating a hierarchy of 
tiddlers (and let's not forget that a tiddler is far more than just its 
text field).
b) writing in a way that allows you to uphold the Philosophy of Tiddlers 
but in a way that doesn't interrupt the flow of writing.

For those wanting a WYSIWYG editor, your best bet at the moment is probably 
trying to get Prose Mirror working in TW and using Markdown. 

Primarily, this is about me sharing with the community the concept and 
technique behind a keyboard driven approach to a tiddler hierarchy, which I 
have been using myself for a couple of years. I will be very happy if 
others learn from it and spin off their own solutions. In fact I highly 
encourage you to do so, and will be happy to offer guidance if necessary.  
To be honest, it is pretty simple and there is nothing groundbreaking about 

I have also been questioned about my reluctance to release plugins and 
develop things further. For the record this isn't about not wanting to 
contribute to the community. Rather, I am being realistic about the level 
of involvement I will be able to maintain long term, given my other 


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