On Sunday, June 7, 2020 at 7:47:10 PM UTC-7, Riz wrote:
> There are subgroups actually. For really technical part, there is 
> Tiddlywiki developer group, for documentation there is Tiddlywiki 
> documentation group and recently there started a group dedicated to 
> Tiddlywiki UI.

Strictly speaking, those aren't "subgroups", but rather completely separate 
groups.  Of course, you can subscribe to all of them, and then you will see 
those postings as well, but many people, especially new/casual users, are 
not aware of the different groups, and only use the primary "TiddlyWiki" 
group for posting and reading messages.

There are also tags people can use to classify posts.

GoogleGroups tagging has proven to be somewhat limited in its 
effectiveness, and is prone to inconsistent usage at best.  We tried 
opening it up to allow anyone to define a tag, and it became a useless mess 
of one-off tags.


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