
Thanks so much for sharing this. I think it is superb, the more hack-able 
you can keep it the better as I can see many potential applications, why 
build them all yourself when others will do it for you?

The idea is to permit extensibility while keeping it as close to standard 
tiddlywiki features as possible, the tool could then make substantial 
contributions to many existing and future solutions.

A Wonderful discovery I just made, is any drag-able link can be dropped 
into your, and the standard search field, saving typing when the content is 
available. Copy paste is the same (of course) emphasising the value of 
being able to copy results to the clipboard.

Some ideas, please don't be overwhelmed, just inspired,

   - Done the right way the community can build a library of "commands" 
   that are practical for any user, and or designer and we can share them 
   saving development time. Can we make it respond to existing methods?
   - I see value in more than one operating mode, a limited set of commands 
   for one user/wiki mode, more for another, just to keep it simple and 
   controlled, and not too big a list when not needed.
   - It would be nice to find alternatives for most node js tiddlywiki 
   commands (where relevant)
   - It would be nice, on generating a list from a search, or filter, to be 
   able to copy the title, the list of tiddlers or the content of a tiddler to 
   the clipboard so we can rapidly acquire content from elsewhere in the wiki. 
   Helping users, authors, coders, designers.
   - Being able to write commands that interact with the server such as bob 
   would be nice. Using a server message.
   - How can we deal with passing other parameters?
   - Could we get this to past the resulting "command" into edited text 
   fields for quick coding from stored patterns. Perhaps even a separate but 
   similar tool
   - On TiddlyDesktop the actions and links can actually open file 
   explorers, apps and run batches, interacting with the local OS, so there is 
   great potential for desktop management tools or text based search and 
   execute. Work flow tools that help actually do the work.
   - The problem with actions in tiddlywiki is they always need a trigger, 
   if the act of searching for that action in the first place, also provides 
   the trigger to its execution you have really improved the interface, big 
   - Perhaps it is already possible but I would love to be able to type say 
   showcode and clicking the result would set a tag, field or config tiddler 
   to yes for a given tiddler (currentTiddler) we have methods to identify the 
   current tiddler navigated from. 

In a related project of mine, I have created a tool called "search 
indicators", which monitors the standard temp search field and presents a 
set of icons depending on the content, specifically the prefix, a little 
like your tool, I mention this because they could exchange features. I am 
yet to fully understand your features, but here is a list of the current 
methods under development. You can see how it is quite similar. Think the 
idea of the appearance of buttons and or keystrokes according to conditions 
may help keep your solution from looking too complex. I think you have some 
of these covered.

   - Detect filters with a leading [
   - Detect system tiddlers with a leading $
   - Detect macros or variables with a leading << optionally show its value.
   - Detect html with a leading < only
   - Detect and search for hash tags in text with a leading #
   - Detect if the string is the prefix for other tiddlers
   - Detect if the string is the suffix for other tiddlers
   - Detect if the string is the title of an existing tiddler, eg system 
   tiddler even if the standard results exclude system tiddlers
   - If the tiddler title exists, offer open, edit, open in new window 
   - Detect if the string is found in a keywords field
   - Search a specific field in system tiddlers eg system-caption so system 
   tiddlers otherwise not included in non system tiddlers can be found eg tag 
   manager mat link to 

In each of these cases action buttons appear, for example if the string 
provided is a prefix for more than one tiddler then a button allowing you 
to search again with the string as the prefix is made available.

I really appreciate you sharing this with us all.

Great work.

On Thursday, June 11, 2020 at 3:31:24 AM UTC+10, Souk21 wrote:
> Hello everyone!
> I discovered TiddlyWiki a couple weeks ago, and I set myself to use it for 
> note taking.
> I really enjoy the trip so far, it really is a interesting piece of 
> software.
> The only thing missing for me is a proper way to search with the keyboard 
> only.
> There’s a shortcut to focus the search field, but unfortunately, you can’t 
> navigate the results with the arrows, and you can’t close the dropdown with 
> escape.
> I looked around for a plugin, but I wasn’t able to find any that worked 
> for me.
> So, in a tiddlywiki mindset, I decided to try and make my own.
> I took a lot of inspiration from VSCode command palette.
> By default you open it with Ctrl+P, but you can change the shortcut from 
> the tw settings
> You can search tiddlers by text or with a filter expression, search tags, 
> list all tiddlers with a tag,...
> If you type ‘>’ you enter the ‘command’ mode and you can select (or 
> search) from a list of commands.
> You can access help if you type '?'
> I tried to make it the more customizable I could, there’s still work but 
> it’s already quite customizable. Most of the commands are only tiddlers!
> It’s a prototype, and my first tw plugin as well, so obviously the code is 
> a mess! It could have unexpected behavior (most probably does) and you 
> shouldn’t use it in your own wikis yet!
> I tried my best, but for now, the plugin is not really working as tw 
> expects plugins to.
> The plugin always returns ‘refresh=false’ and manages his own DOM itself, 
> storing state inside of it in the way.
> I was not sure where to ‘instantiate’ the view, so for now I’m using 
> $:/View/AboveStory which I believe is not ideal.
> So yeah, really not the tw way.
> There are still some other problems, I’m not sure how to escape a filter 
> operation parameter for example so the search sometimes returns errors
> Obviously it’s not really optimized yet either.
> I do plan to fix it and include more features (I still have a tiddler full 
> of ideas)
> I’m posting here to see what people think of this prototype and if there’s 
> any interest in such a plugin.
> If so, I’m probably gonna need some guidance into how things are supposed 
> to work so I can make it work more nicely with tw.
> Considering the state of the project, I didn’t take the time to write any 
> doc yet.
> You can demo it here :
> Let me know :)

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