Thanks everyone for the kind words and the encouragements :)

@TiddlyTweeter @David Gifford @Mohammad Thanks for your feedback! As I 
said, I'm definitely not against changing the name.
I do think that 'command palette' should be indicated somewhere, as that 
was what my first google search was when I tried to find such a plugin.
Command picker could work, but at that point maybe we should drop the 
'command' altogether and call it something else? Maybe with 'search' ? 
Really not sure, just thinking 'at loud'.

@TW Tones The goal is indeed to make it the more hackable/customizable I 
Thank you for the tip, I didn't know about this drag n' drop feature :)

Done the right way the community can build a library of "commands" that are 
> practical for any user, and or designer and we can share them saving 
> development time. Can we make it respond to existing methods?

Yes! It's exactly what I had in mind. 
What do you think could be a good way to allow this ?
Should we centralize all the commands in a repo ?
What do you mean by 'respond to existing methods' ?

I see value in more than one operating mode, a limited set of commands for 
> one user/wiki mode, more for another, just to keep it simple and 
> controlled, and not too big a list when not needed.

I really like the idea of switching between different profiles with a 
special command / a keyboard shortcut
And that's in line with @Saq Imtiaz suggestion to be able to hide/show 
specific commands

It would be nice to find alternatives for most node js tiddlywiki commands 
> (where relevant)

I'm not too familiar with node.js commands yet (I've only used --listen so 
far), could you point me towards the relevant ones?

Being able to write commands that interact with the server such as bob 
> would be nice. Using a server message.

That is definitely in my todo list. The problem is I'm really new to server 
Making my firefox extension talk with tiddlywiki's node server was a big 
accomplishment for me haha
My idea for the palette messaging the server was to be able to send a 
message to the server so it commits my notes repo and pushes it.
I think for that kind of basic usage I could work it out.
Is there any more 'advanced' usages that you can think of?
And yes, the big questions are how should we deal with passing arguments to 
the server, and how should we deal with responses from the server.

Could we get this to past the resulting "command" into edited text fields 
> for quick coding from stored patterns. Perhaps even a separate but similar 
> tool

I'm not sure I understand. Are you talking about 'saving' a search/filter 
operation as a command easily?

On TiddlyDesktop the actions and links can actually open file explorers, 
> apps and run batches, interacting with the local OS, so there is great 
> potential for desktop management tools or text based search and execute. 
> Work flow tools that help actually do the work.

Interesting! I didn't try TiddlyDesktop yet, but that's good to keep in mind

Perhaps it is already possible but I would love to be able to type say 
> showcode and clicking the result would set a tag, field or config tiddler 
> to yes for a given tiddler (currentTiddler) we have methods to identify the 
> current tiddler navigated from. 

I'm sorry I'm not sure I got this one.

About your list of 'conditions', I added the one missing to the todo-list 
(btw I should publish it)

Thanks a lot for you amazing and really detailed feedback ! I really 
appreciate it :)

@Guido B Thank you for reporting! I'm gonna see if I can do something about 
that Edge bug.
About the z-index, I think it depends on what theme you use. Do you think I 
should set it to something ridiculously high to make sure that it stays 
above any theme haha?

@bimlas Thank you, that means a lot :)

@Reet Pandher Woops I'm gonna give the save command a look asap. And I'll 
add the control panel ! Thanks a lot :)

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