I want to transclude a custom field (let's call it myfield) of a tiddler 
(let's call it Source Tiddler) into another one (let's call it Target 

I know I can just do this in Target Tiddler (assuming the Source Tiddler's 
name is "Source Tiddler"): {{Source Tiddler!!myfield}}

However, what if I want the name of that Source Tiddler to be dynamic, and 
come from a field in target Tiddler (let's call that field sourcename)?

Doing this, of course, shows me the name (just a string) of that source 
tiddler: {{!!sourcename}}

However it seems that I can't simply substitute that into the code above.
In other words, this doesn't work: {{{{!!sourcename}}!!myfield}}

I understand this is probably a very basic question. I suppose it has to do 
with the number of brackets, and how to communicate the fact that 
sourcename is something in the current tiddler, and myfield is something in 
another tiddler... However I can't figure out how to solve it.  I'm still 
very much a beginner in TW. Thanks in advance!

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