Thanks for the hangout Jeremy and David.

+1 for the need for highlighting dynanotate plugin 
I suspect most people aren't aware it even exists, let alone its potential 
for annotating notes and integration with search.
Well worth a peek at the examples tab at
A good demo is the e-book tiddlywiki implementation posted a while back.

With reference to TiddlyToolmap and also Streams performance, here is a 
test I did a while back with importing the toolmap into Streams:

Takeaways from this were:

   - The need for expand/collapse all buttons
   - Performance is pretty good with a large number of tiddlers
   - Performance does suffer when opening a tiddler under which you have a 
   huge number of nodes (tiddlers)e.g. the root TiddlyWiki toolmap tiddler. 
   Having the nodes collapsed at start is a workaround.
      - If you open sub nodes they load faster
      - *the performance hit comes from Streams and not TiddlyWiki itself.*
      - There shouldn't be any performance issues as long as you aren't 
      adding a very large number of nodes to a single tiddler.
Note however that there is a lot of room for optimizing performance in 
Streams, it is an area I haven't focused on yet. There is a lot of 
complexity that comes from enabling/disabling drag and drop based on where 
in the hierarchy you are dragging from.


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