@dan have you looked at http://snowgoon88.github.io/TW5-extendedit/ ?

On Wednesday, July 15, 2020 at 8:40:16 AM UTC+2, danraymond wrote:
> Hi Eric;
> I was looking at this solution for Sara and realised it may help me with 
> an issue I have been trying to solve. I am a very long term TiddlyWiki 
> Classic (Thank you Jeremy!) user and am now learning the internals of TW5 
> and loving it.
> I am trying to develop some ZettelKasten bits so I can move away from 
> Zettlr (which is fabulous by the way worth exploring). Zettlr and other 
> similar programs offer a list of existing MD files in the same folder when 
> you type the [[ to start a link, you can select one and the link inserts or 
> ESC and type your own link details.
> Whilst I think its impossible to do that directly when editing a tiddler, 
> I thought I could add a toolbar button in the editor that:
> 1. produced a selectable list of existing tiddlers (similar to your 
> solution here) and
> 2. When selected inserted it in the text area of the tiddler.
> I am trying to modify the first part of your code to do the dropdown list 
> of tiddlers, but not sure how to have it insert the tiddler name as a [[my 
> selected tiddler]]?
> Can you help me please?

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