Hi Charlie,

love the concept and very impressiv what you managed to put together, thank 
you for sharing.

If you don't mind asking, is there a specific reason for placing the 
decision for what to transclude in the two templates themselves and always 
calling both of them?
Personally I would have put the decision in the root tiddler - e.g. 
TiddlyWiki Title - via a match filter and only called what was needed, so I 
wonder if there is something I am missing/not thinking about or if it is 
just another case of multiple ways to achieve the same result.

Oh and one thing I noticed, just as an info: Since getstartupcontext is a 
javascript macro you don't actually need to import it. Unlike normal macros 
javascript macros are always global.

Kind Regards,

On Wednesday, 9 September 2020 23:58:14 UTC+2, Charlie Veniot wrote:
> G'day all,
> I'm still in the midst of setting up my "Products Review" TiddlyWiki to 
> also behave as a "Urban Off-Gridding for Laypersons" TiddlyWiki.
> Both contexts have much in common (from structural elements to content), 
> and I really did not want to create two distinct TiddlyWikis with a ton of 
> duplication between them.
> Hence the desire to have one TiddlyWiki with two "contextual" appearances.
> Before getting into show and tell images (further below), here are the two 
> links that open the same TiddlyWiki file but trigger different "contextual" 
> appearances upon startup:
>    - 
>    https://intertwingularityslicendice.neocities.org/CJ_ProductReviews.html
>    *?context=ProductReviews* 
> <https://intertwingularityslicendice.neocities.org/CJ_ProductReviews.html?context=ProductReviews>
>    - 
>    https://intertwingularityslicendice.neocities.org/CJ_ProductReviews.html
>    *?context=OffGridding* 
> <https://intertwingularityslicendice.neocities.org/CJ_ProductReviews.html?context=OffGridding>
> For the moment, only Title and Subtitle change based on context.  Next: I 
> will start modifying other content to change based on context.
> Cheers !
> Further below, you'll find images of the various tiddlers *(which I plan 
> to tidy-up later)* that make all of this work, including:
>    - *GetStartupContext.js*
>       - (javascript macro to retrieve the startup context, i.e. "Products 
>       Review" or "...Off-Gridding...)
>       - Built with help from Stephan Hradek's Javascript Macros in 
>       WikiText 
>       <http://tw5magick.tiddlyspot.com/#Javascript%20Macros%20in%20WikiText> 
>       and by grabbing bits of Javascript from various sites on the web
>          - *Although I am a software developer, I am neither proficient 
>          with nor a fan of javascript!*
>       - *Set Startup Context*
>       - (a "Startup Actions" tiddler)
>    - *Alternate TiddlyWiki Purposes*
>       - (a tiddler to store the startup context upon startup, and to 
>       provide an interface, i.e. radio buttons, to dynamically switch context 
> at 
>       any time)
>    - The *context-switching interface* (i.e. the radio buttons) as they 
>    appear in the sidebar
>    - *SideBar example of content changing* (the title and subtitle of the 
>    TiddlyWiki) upon context change
>    - The *setup of Title and Subtitle in the Control Panel*
>    - The four *Title-related Tiddlers*
>    - The three *Subtitle-related Tiddlers* 
>    - The *two template tiddlers* (tPr and tOg) that help decide which 
>    content to show based on current context
> [image: GetStartupContextMacro.png]
> [image: SetupStartupContext.png]
> [image: AlternateTiddlyWikiPurposesTiddler.png]
> [image: ContextSwitchingInterface.png]
> [image: SideBarChangesWithContext.png]
> [image: ControlPanelSetupTitleAndSubtitle.png]
> [image: TiddlyWikiTitleTiddlers.png]
> [image: TheOtherTwoTitleTiddlers.png]
> [image: FancySubtitleMain.png]
> [image: OtherSubtitleTiddlers.png]
> [image: TemplateTiddlersForContextualContent.png]

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