
It is interesting in some ways you ask this question because tiddlywiki 
surely lets you have your cake and eat it too? 

   - <$browse multiple> lets you import more than one "text" file at a time 
   directly into tiddlywiki, as does drag and drop
   - I believe a few tweaks should allow you to make an exporter to export 
   only the text field to a filename = to the title, even multiples at once.
   - I believe we could build an importer that allows you to drop files on 
   a "folder" which adds a prefix to every file there in emulating folders 
   within tiddlywiki
   - Tiddlydesktop all so allows a lot more interaction with the local 
   system including viewing content or executing programs and scripts 
   including your command shell.
   - With the new ZIP feature its possibly to pack tiddlers into a zip file 
   export and unzip in place, including folders created
   - Even just file:///C:/ in a browser tab allows you to drag and drop the 
   full path and filename from its directory listing
      - Then placing this inside a html object on Tiddlydesktop allows you 
      to browse the content
      - <object data="file:///C:/Data/ScratchArea/testme.txt" width="100%"
      - You can even copy and paste from these external files to include in 
      a new tiddler you later export to a new file.
      - I am keen to find a way to scrape this content into tiddlywiki as 
   - You can print to a generic plain text printer to generate new text 
   - Bob gives you a fileserver and some talk recently included saving back 
   to the files.
   - Node automatically generates static tiddlers via a template and serves 
   them into the browser
      - I am confident you could use a template to have text files 
      available at a static web address as well
But of course understanding your full needs we could make some custom 
solutions for you.

One of my current tricks on windows is;

   - to have a custom exporter that generates a JSON of all tiddlers 
   matching a filter, and saves according to a pre-coded filename.
      - This could of course generate a ZIP with files and folders as well.
   - The download includes the filename, now as a rule before I save over 
   an existing file or look for the correct folder I place windows explorer in 
   the appropriate folder (Eg TiddlyWiki Intranet folder) and start typing 
   that filename in the search.
   - The search facility finds the file in its location, if it matches the 
      one in the file save dialogue I click it and save over it, there by 
      in the correct location as well as filename. I see if the file is in more 
      than one location and can make a choice.
   - This method is quick, easy and reliable an I am successfully 
   maintaining a library of hundreds if not thousands of files this way, 
   organised within folders. I spend very little time now using "hunt and 
   peck" to find the correct files.

Almost All of the above is valid on the single file and node wiks.


On Tuesday, 6 October 2020 17:40:02 UTC+11, bimlas wrote:
> Lately, I’ve been unsure if I really want to use TiddlyWiki, because no 
> matter how universal single HTML is, it’s still just a big file and it 
> depends on the browser. Since plain text is the most timeless format 
> possible (even a text file written in 1963 can still be viewed and edited 
> today), I thought I would migrate to plain text files. Once I realized how 
> I could convert the tiddlers extracted from HTML to the right format for 
> me, I started looking for a text editor that included both preview and full 
> text search. To my great surprise, the latter is supported by very few 
> programs, so I can only solve it with my own Grep script. After sleepless 
> nights and short circuits of thought, I came to realize that TiddlyWiki can 
> handle separate files. Even if the Node.js TiddlyWiki itself ever ceases to 
> exist, the notes will still be usable because they are just text files, and 
> if I systematically name the tiddlers, the links between them will still be 
> searchable with a simple, software-independent text search, so they remain 
> usable.
> The question is, how can TiddlyWiki be used as a simple text editor? I 
> would like to emulate the operation of Boostnote / Joplin / Typora / ...
> For example, if I install Ansel's Markdown 
> <> plugin and then copy the 
> Markdown files to the tiddlers directory, how can I edit them without 
> adding extra metadata? If I edit ".md" files in Tiddly, then it writes them 
> back to the drive in JSON format. If I change ".md" to ".tid" extension and 
> write "type: x-markdown" at the beginning of the file, it will rewrite the 
> file in its original form after editing, but add e.g. the "title" field 
> with the current path to the file, which I don't want.

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