On Jan 29, 2010, at 3:55 AM, AlV wrote:

> Is there a simple way to clear a copy of TWT-Treeview Executive (a
> deluxe personal web notebook) of all the explanations so as to get an
> empty one?
> I began to remove all what's related to explanation (building new
> menus, jQuery learning and so on), but I am not sure what is useful
> (that is containing actual useful code) and what is not. So, I am
> asking for help to those who know what they're doing.
> My goal is to only have *my* data inside this TWT.

I did that with TWT-Treeview Blackicity, also by Morris Gray, but I couldn't 
begin to tell you how. It was piecemeal. Trial and error. The errors were 
instructive. There was a fair bit of hand-holding from Morris himself. It's 
been quite while since I made any changes, though I do have a list of minor 
things I haven't gotten around to. Pretty comfortable with things as they are 
right now.

A suggestion would be to accummulate your content tiddlers in an un-tweaked 
TWT-Treeview Executive while you experiment with tweaking another. When you get 
it more or less like you want it, then import your content tiddlers into it. 

It's likely that in the process your thinking about how to structure your 
content tiddlers, i.e., how to organize them, will change. Also, that even 
after you've gotten the tweaked TW more or less the way you want it, you'll 
find other things you want to do as you work with it. No problem. Tweak away. 
There haven't been any errors I wasn't able to recover from.

That's the cool thing about TW: You don't have to have it figured out ahead of 
time. Go ahead and use it. Using it'll give you ideas about how to use it more 
effectively. If you're not sure how to do what you want to do, there are lots 
of people here to help. And on it goes. It will never stop.

Eric Weir
Decatur, GA  USA

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