I have pretty much always used double brackets, but it is interesting to 
hear about the possible advantages of WikiWords.

I tend to think of tiddler titles as a kind of compression of the 
information in a tiddler - a way to chunk the information into a single 
unit so that it can be easily combined with other concepts in my head. I 
should be able to look at the tiddler title and immediately have a sense of 
the idea that it refers to.

Maybe WikiWords will actually assist in this regard? As @soren points out, 
they can force you to be concise in naming things. And maybe squishing 
everything into one "word" would encourage you to think of the tiddler as 
more of a single unit, in line with the zettelkasten approach.

I think I will try switching to WikiWords for a bit and see if I notice any 
On Saturday, 21 November 2020 at 13:38:46 UTC David Gifford wrote:

> Double brackets all the way. One of the first things I do when creating a 
> new file is turn off camelcase words. And with the autocomplete plugin you 
> don't even need to type the end brackets ]].
> On Wednesday, November 18, 2020 at 1:05:34 PM UTC-6 Ed Heil wrote:
>> As a relatively new tiddlywiki user, I'm always interested in the 
>> opinions of people who have been TiddlyWiki'ing for a long time, and this 
>> topic came to mind.
>> When I first started using TW (earlier this year), I tended to use 
>> WikiWords for titles.  I've since gone almost entirely to double brackets 
>> (meaning titles may be single words or may have spaces in them).  When you 
>> start using titles as tags, and use things like Table-Of-Contents plugins, 
>> it seems like an obvious move to remove the "multiple words, no spaces" 
>> restriction from titles.
>> I'm curious though if any experienced tiddlywikists still use WikiWords, 
>> and if so what they find valuable about them.

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