
I really like your Tiddlywikis act as course pages with all related 
materials. One difference between my own wikis with yours is I keep 
information in a loose format while you arrange them in a dense format! By 
this I mean I have little information per tiddler, most of them are 
visible, I use fields for special purposes so I use the rich environment of 
Tiddlywiki but in its simple possible form. Like you I am a big fan of 
dynamic tables.

I also use Tiddlywiki for Homework. Students submit their homework as a 
Tiddlywiki single file. It is a standard one I distribute to them. (with 
Relink + Shiraz+ favorites+ comment+ todo+ commander + Highlight.js + KaTeX)

Using comment plugin I can review and comment their solution and return to 

I also use Tiddlywiki + Tiddlyshow for lecturing!

I also distribute some course materials as plugin. I learned this from 
Xavier Cazin. For example they can download a plugin called: Root finding. 
This plugin contains all my course notes, pyhton codes, ... in a form of 
plugin regarding root fining for scalar algebraic equations. So, they can 
play with them add their own notes, ... but they always have my original 
course notes in their Course Tiddlywiki.


On Thursday, November 26, 2020 at 11:27:15 PM UTC+3:30 springer wrote:

> Cl0d, exactly what I find marvelous about TiddlyWiki is how much it can be 
> molded to very different purposes. I maintain different TW5 projects for 
> different purposes, with different plugin sets and other customizations 
> suited to the purposes of each project. 
> Two things that I suspect I do more than most people are:
> (1) Make a dynamic table, using the Shiraz plugin,  for virtually every 
> important tag. It offers a great compact way to get the big picture on any 
> slice that interests me. I used to use TOC-style tiddlers for this purpose, 
> and that structure still has uses, but the dynamic table is more powerful. 
> I love that I can structure each such dynamic table to focus on the fields 
> that are important for that particular tag. (Of course, you can build a 
> dynamic table around criteria other than tags, but that's my main workhorse 
> use.) I also tend to populate my stylesheet with tag-specific css, so that 
> there are clear visual cues as to which kind of tiddler we're looking at. 
> (I use TW for teaching. So, a quiz question tiddler has a look and feel 
> that differs from an author-specific tiddler or a definition tiddler or a 
> tiddler focused on excerpts from the readings, etc.)
> (2) Liberally employ a "details" GUI for things that I don't want to see 
> (or don't want to show to students) unless/until it's time to dig in 
> deeper. I use telmiger's details plugin, because it's super-flexible about 
> the contents within the details area (allows any formatting or markup you 
> can think of within the hidden "pocket" area). But to put ordinary text 
> elaboration into a details "pocket," Shiraz's details function is simple 
> and great too.
> If you'd like to poke around on one of my teaching sites, feel free to 
> visit this link: 
> https://springerspandrel.github.io/tw/ethicsatwes.html#TiddlyWiki
> Enjoy the adventure of discovering the possibilities!
> -Springer 
> On Thursday, November 26, 2020 at 2:06:10 PM UTC-5 Cl0d wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> Been using TiddlyWiki for a few weeks now. I'm still learning how to cope 
>> with the enormous potential offered by TiddlyWiki.
>> For example, I discovered today that it was possible to create a dynamic 
>> table of content using keywords. 
>> So I was wondering, what are your best practices, or let's say, advices, 
>> for using TiddlyWiki ? How does your "basic wiki" look like ? What plugins 
>> and/or custom features do you use ? 
>> I'm still in a transitional phase, meaning that I'm writing my new notes 
>> in TiddlyWiki to get used to it and I'm at the same time trying to discover 
>> new tools to organize my future wiki's in the best way possible.
>> Thanks in advance for every answer.

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