TW has 2 types of tiddlers. There are "standard" content tiddlers, which 
are created by users. User created content always wins!

Then there are so called "shadow" tiddlers. Plugins and the "core" tiddlers 
are shadow tiddlers. That means, if you change them "after a warning" they 
become content tiddlers. So your changes always win.. 

BUT  if you messed something up, you can delete the content tiddler and the 
"shadow" tiddler will take over again. So you are pretty safe.

If you added a plugin, that doesn't work there is a "safe mode" see: 

The ControlPanel : Info tab, has a info named "Overwritten Shadow 
tiddlers". ... If you click the "search" icon, you'll get a list of all 
shadows, you have changed. So it's easy to find out, what you changed.


On Sunday, January 10, 2021 at 2:42:16 PM UTC+1 ludwa6 wrote:

> This is good to hear, @Odin -thanks.
> Still i wonder what sorts of changes i might make that become important to 
> my UX, my workflow, that might later get undone through installation of 
> some plugin or TW upgrade... Leaving me to try and figure out how i made 
> that change who-knows-how long ago.  
> Unreasonable as it is to want guarantees about such things, i can't help 
> wishing for some rule(s) of thumb -or guardrails, as it were- to tell what 
> sorts of changes are safe to make, and which others could either break 
> something important or else get broken in a future upgrade. 
> On Sunday, January 10, 2021 at 1:00:41 PM UTC Odin wrote:
>> Palettes will persist through version upgrades. In general, backwards 
>> compatibility is required with new versions. So if you are changing 
>> settings through the control panel it won't lock you out of new updates.
>> A palette is just another Tiddler, so it will always be easy to adjust or 
>> remove it.
>> Op zondag 10 januari 2021 om 13:45:03 UTC+1 schreef ludwa6:
>>> Yeah, being ever-afraid of any tweaks that might break something, that 
>>> is why i opted for the built-in customisation option over that CSS-override 
>>> solution... But thanks anyway, @makiaea for pointing it out. 
>>> AND, speaking of my fear of breakage, a related question for me is, 
>>> regarding any styling changes that i apply thru control panel affordances, 
>>> i wonder: can i rest assured that they will persist through any version 
>>> upgrades or plugin installs that i might later perform?
>>> /walt
>>> On Sunday, January 10, 2021 at 12:36:09 PM UTC PMario wrote:
>>>> On Sunday, January 10, 2021 at 1:27:16 PM UTC+1 ma...@makiaea.org 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> hi walt, you can use !important in a css override, here are some 
>>>>> examples http://makiaea.org/00045/20201205makiaea-anwiki#quiz.css
>>>> You should  _not_ use !important ... It's toxic and will cause a lot of 
>>>> problems in the long run. With TW you can change almost everything in a 
>>>> relatively easy way. !important is "brute force"
>>>> -m

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