On Wednesday, February 17, 2021 at 7:40:09 AM UTC-8 JM wrote:

> <$list filter="[tag[project]sort[title]]">
> <$link to={{!!title}}>''<$view field="title"/>''</$link><br>
> <$list filter="[is[current]tagging[]tag[CAD]sort[title]]">
> <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link><br>
> </$list><br>
> </$list>
> Is it possible to show only those projects, of which tiddlers with the 
> tags project-title and CAD exist?

You can surround the inner $list with another $list that uses "limit[1]" to 
act as a test, like this:

<$list filter="[tag[project]sort[]]">
   <$link /><br>
   <$list filter="[tag{!!title}tag[CAD]limit[1]]" variable="has_CAD_tag">
      <$list filter="[tag{!!title}tag[CAD]sort[]]">
         <$link /><br>

* *variable="has_CAD_tag"* prevents the test from changing the value of the 
* simplified the inner filter to use *tag{!!title}* instead of 
* used *<$link />* abbreviated syntax instead of verbose *<$link 
to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link>*
* used *sort[]* (default parameter is "title")


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