
Ill clarify my suggestions:

5. Triple click: why triple instead of double?

   - I personally edited the doubeclick plugin to make it triple click 
   since I personally kept accidentally double-clicking. This was not really a 
   suggestion for you, just saying out loud in case others might find that 
   suggestion useful. 

6. Triple click between tiddlers to create a new tiddler - ? There is a new 
tiddler button in the sidebar...

   - This idea was meant to keep up the "article" illusion. For example, if 
   I want to add a tiddler *under* the "Advantages" "section" (tiddler 
   titled Advantages, it would be awesome if I could just click near right 
   there to place a new tiddler right there. 
   - If I click the new tiddler button on the sidebar, it appears at the 
   *top* of the river, without any obvious way to reorganize it to where I 
   need it. I know you can always reorganize the river many ways -  for 
   example, via the "open" sidebar tab, etc. But this ruins the illusion of 
   the tiddlers just flowing together like a fluid document. 

On Tuesday, February 23, 2021 at 1:43:21 PM UTC-6 David Gifford wrote:

> CleanTids update in response to your comments!
> Features
> 1. (yesterday) Toggle 'gaps btwn tids' - formerly labeled as toggle margin 
> width. This is a game changer. Seamless transition from one tiddler to the 
> next. Makes your story river look like an article. Great for printing or 
> exporting story river. Also improves TiddlyWiki's seamless theme. I noticed 
> it doesn't work right on the Notebook theme, as the gaps remain.
> 2. Added the fixed / fluid sidebar toggle
> 3. Added links to the palette, theme and story view managers. Why reinvent 
> the wheel? I also added to my file the default palettes and themes from 
> tiddlywiki.com, and number of palettes and a theme or two from the 
> TiddlyWiki toolmap. So you can try them out and drag them to your file. 
> 4. Double click to edit tiddler plugin. The plugin is available since 
> yesterday.
> (Let me make it clear, this file is not meant to be like Stroll, where you 
> download the entire adaptation and use it. This file is a homepage to get 
> the Toggle tab and related CleanTids stylesheet. Ideally someone could 
> bundle my list of seven system tiddlers as a plugin for me since I am not a 
> plugin kind of guy.)
> Fixes
> 1. Now compatible with dark palettes, thanks to help from Eric Shulman.
> 2. I fixed the SiteSubtitle button. Thanks to Mohammad for pointing it out!
> 3. (last night) Fixed the backlinks not working
> Requests :
> 1.  Notebook theme: since my file is not an edition or adaptation, just a 
> proto-plugin, theme is irrelevant. But I DID add heaps of palettes and the 
> themes I could find, in part to allow users to test my CleanTids out on 
> different themes and palettes before downloading, and in part to make it 
> easy to grab the themes and palettes they like. And Notebook is one of 
> those themes.
> 2. Theme and palette toggles: I decided it made more sense to link to the 
> native ones already available.
> 3. Sidebar width: see the fluid / fixed chooser.
> 4. White background: just use the seamless theme in conjunction with 
> CleanTids. Looks great.
> 5. Triple click: why triple instead of double?
> 6. Triple click between tiddlers to create a new tiddler - ? There is a 
> new tiddler button in the sidebar...
> 7. Toggle the toggle tab: you realize that would only work once, right? 
> Also, with a feature this cool, why would anyone ever want to hide it? :-)
> 8. Contents tab: I wasn't sure what Mohammad meant by this. It almost 
> sounded as if he wanted something like the parallel tab in my pre-Stroll 
> experiment, TiddlyBlink (https://giffmex.org/gifts/tiddlyblink.html).
> 9. PMario on titles: I think he just meant when writing a tiddler, to add 
> the title as a header to the text, so that the title is redundant. But if 
> he meant an actual change to CleanTids, it wasn't clear to me. 
> On Monday, February 22, 2021 at 11:29:37 AM UTC-6 David Gifford wrote:
>> Hi all
>> My experiment last night with primordial tiddlers led to this more final 
>> product, CleanTids.
>> https://giffmex.org/experiments/cleantids.html
>> Play and enjoy...

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