Jeremy Ruston wrote:

> [...] polite to make it as small as possible.
> [...] your workflow as smooth as possible so that you've got every 
> incentive to keep posting the links...

Definitely a disconnect there.
I've previously experimented with savers that save to two places, using 
different saving filters. So I use my everyday wiki and click save, 
seemingly as normal. In reality, a copy is saved to another instance but 
the save filter filters out everything but the tiddlers tagged 
$:/tags/Link. The aggregator fetches from this wiki only. (BTW, such a 
multi-saver is pretty cool in itself; you could have one central wiki to 
publish niche content to multiple niche wikis.)

BTW, fellow tiddleur Erwan deserves some cred for this concept. More so 
than the mention of TWederation. He designed a "community plugin 
aggregator" many suns ago. 



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