It would helpful to determine what the default behaviour of TW on node.js 
is for _canonical_uri tiddlers and saving to file.

On Windows 10, latest Chrome and using latest pre-release with the server 
edition and no plugins, I tried manually creating a tiddler with:
- title: test.png
- type: image/png, 
- and an arbitrary _canonical_uri value of files/test.png

In the tiddlers directory I get a 0 bytes file test.png and test.png.meta.
I am not sure if the 0 byte expected behaviour on node.js for canonical_uri 
tiddlers or something new in 5.1.23

Using [img[test.png]] in another tiddler, the img is correctly resolved to 
have a src attribute files/test.png, both before and after restarting the 
node server.

So I cannot reproduce the problem. It could be OS specific. 

It is worth considering that 5.1.23 had significant changes to the file 
saving code, so there may have been a regression.
Also I am using the latest pre-release, which might be relevant as at least 
one bugfix since 5.1.23 seems to deal with missing text fields of tiddlers, 

If you can confirm that creating a _canonical_uri tiddler by hand works 
well for you on node.js, that will help narrow down whether this is a core 
issues or a plugin issue.

On Thursday, April 1, 2021 at 7:43:50 PM UTC+2 Saq Imtiaz wrote:

> Hmm. That's interesting. I'm seeing 0 byte image files but the images do 
> otherwise load correctly.
> What OS and browser are you using? 
> It would also be interesting to check how TW on node.js on your system, 
> with no plugins saves _canonical_uri tiddlers. Are there any image files 
> created at all, or just a tid file?
> I've been working on this here and there over the last week, so with a few 
> more details I should be able to address this.
> On Thursday, April 1, 2021 at 7:24:36 PM UTC+2 Mark S. wrote:
>> The problem turned out to be that the way the _canonical_uri files were 
>> created was also creating 6byte image files in the tiddler folder which 
>> apparently confuses the system into thinking that it is dealing with base64 
>> image files.

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