Oh, to convert a single-file wiki to Node.js, all you need is:

tiddlywiki --load path/to/single/file.html --savewikifolder 

You could even do this as a first step in the script above, if you wanted 
to normally edit in single-file mode but use the automated build.

On Sunday, April 18, 2021 at 9:02:28 AM UTC-5 ludwa6 wrote:

> Thank-you Soren, but to be clear: I'm working in single-file mode, since i 
> was unable to find a way to convert your file to node.js, though that would 
> probably make for a more elegant solution [*]... But the "manual" method 
> you propose below (with slight adaptation, see below) is sufficiently 
> well-automated, it makes my workflow relatively painless, as follows:
>    1. In TiddlyDesktop (where i am managing a fair mitt-full of TW5 
>    instances), finish my days edits with a review to ensure tag "Public" is 
> on 
>    all the right tiddlers, and none other;
>    2. In $:/AdvancedSearch, run the filter-  [tag[Public]!is[system]]  
>    -and upload the result set as .json, to...
>    3. Drag & drop that .json file into the my local PUBLIC instance 
>    (subset of the above), which is they synced to...
>    4. My github.io repo <https://ludwa6.github.io/> : pull from there 
>    (just to ensure there are no conflicting edits), then commit/comment/push 
>    changes online.
> NB: I'm using Atom text editor (on Mac, b/t/w, not Windows) for the last 
> step, just because i like its change management workflow, but there's a 
> desktop app for Github that is probably the most intuitive GuI app for this 
> purpose.
> [*] As to that more elegant solution: if it were a node.js instance i had 
> in github, then i can see how it might be easier to manage a dataflow based 
> on individual tiddlers, instead of one big .html file -especially if others 
> were to be engaged in collaborative editing (via Github Pull Request)... 
> But that's a bridge too far for me to even think about at this point.  
> Gotta play with this for a while first IMCST (In My Copious Spare Time 
> -ha!), in the hope that it will at some point save me more time than it 
> costs me to manage it -the most important question to ask of any database 
> app, i guess, yes?
> /walt
> On Sunday, April 18, 2021 at 1:35:05 PM UTC+1 Soren Bjornstad wrote:
>> A manual option would be to go to $:/AdvancedSearch, type in the filter 
>> you want to export (e.g., [tag[Public]] [is[system]]), use the export 
>> button to the right of the search box to export as JSON, and then import 
>> that JSON file into a fresh empty.html and publish that HTML file.
>> That said, since you are already using Node.js, automating this with 
>> "command-line voodoo" isn't that hard, and then it will do everything for 
>> you with one command, without a chance of making mistakes. Here's a 
>> simplified version of what I use. I'm guessing you're using Windows, but if 
>> so and you have github.io set up, you probably already have Git for 
>> Windows installed, which will be enough to run a Bash script like the one 
>> below. Mac/Linux will run this script out of the box....

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