Hello everyone,

I spent some time learning the Tailwind CSS framework 
<https://tailwindcss.com/> and made a concept of a landing page for 
TiddlyWiki. <https://landingpage-example.tiddlyhost.com/> A landing page is 
something that has come up earlier in this forum as something that could 
improve the new user experience (1) 
<https://groups.google.com/g/tiddlywiki/c/gH7u07ar_KI/m/LzARDYqZAAAJ>. PM 
mario has made a proposal earlier (2) 
<https://groups.google.com/g/tiddlywiki/c/QW7QMfr0kA0/m/8Zq-xTxsBwAJ>, but 
I couldn't find any follow-up on this.

TiddlyWIki 5.1.23 introduced a page-layout switching mechanism that I used 
to include the landing page inside TiddlyWiki. This allows visitors to 
switch instantly from the landing page to the normal TiddlyWiki website. So 
with this proposal, we keep all the documentation within a press of a 
button. (Jeremy used this for the TiddlyWiki-on-fission project to make a 
login screen <https://tiddlywiki.fission.app/>).

Furthermore, I think having a landing page as a layout opens up the 
possibility to use TiddlyWikis power to have content dynamically generated 
on the landing page. It would also be really cool to showcase some widgets 
and macros and have the user be able to interact with them inside the 
landing page. For example the section 'get started' uses transclusion to 
use the saving tiddler (the one that has the grid of cards with saving 

I am hoping to spark some discussion on this idea. Is it will be feasible 
to use? If so, I am looking for feedback on the landing page. I used a 
standard color scheme that comes with TailwindCSS, but it is of course 
possible to insert another color scheme.
What kind of sections do you think would help TiddlyWiki's visibility? How 
can we include more complicated widgets and macros within HTML without it 

I've hosted the file on tiddlyhost so you can take a 
look: https://landingpage-example.tiddlyhost.com/

* A pretty landing page is a welcoming experience for new users. Other 
'competitors' have landing pages as well that look really aesthetically 
pleasing. It could help grow the TiddlyWiki community grow.
* It is built inside the TiddyWiki website. Pressing the `documentation` 
button or the `try it out` button instantly switches the view to the normal 
TiddlyWiki layout.
* It may be possible to include content dynamically on the landing page via 
list widgets. 
* (if it works) We could showcase the powers of widgets, macros etc. right 
on the landing page. Although I ran into some issues (see the WikiText 
section) and haven't figured out how to work around this.
* No worries about multiple URLs
* Using tailwind CSS helps create a contemporary looking website

* adds an extra 0.3 mb to the website going from 5.8 mb to 6.1 mb.
* The navigation links in the navbar also open up non-existent tiddlers in 
the background. After switching to the normal layout, these will be on top 
of the story river.

1) https://groups.google.com/g/tiddlywiki/c/gH7u07ar_KI/m/LzARDYqZAAAJ
2) https://groups.google.com/g/tiddlywiki/c/QW7QMfr0kA0/m/8Zq-xTxsBwAJ

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