Oh no no no, be much less circumspect, for the sheer fun/joy of it.

Pff, it is like who does not call snot-rags kleenex instead of tissue?  In 
my corner of the world, anyway.

In your context, silly putty is such a poetic way to describe, concise yet 
conjures up a plethora of happy qualities about Silly Putty that fit 
TiddlyWiki oh-so-well.

So wax poetic, my friend.  Wax poetic.

And do enjoy the fresh air.  Loads of wisdom in taking little breaks from 
paralysis by analysis and from analysis by paralysis.

I am going to get my own dose of vitamin D toute sweet.

On Saturday, April 24, 2021 at 2:54:34 PM UTC-3 ludwa6 wrote:

> Guess i should be more circumspect in my use of such parochial cultural 
> refs (not to mention a registered trademark 
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silly_Putty> -sorry, Crayola!) but again: 
> the feeling of working with TiddlyWiki is a lot like Silly Putty™, in that 
> you can stretch it and shape it into just about anything you can imagine.  
> Problem is: how does one ever manage to establish boundaries in such a 
> medium?  Am practically paralysed by the possibilities, ATM.  Gotta unplug 
> and get some fresh air!  /w
> On Saturday, April 24, 2021 at 6:22:22 PM UTC+1 cj.v...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Just so you know, you totally had me at silly-putty.
>> On Saturday, April 24, 2021 at 1:20:27 PM UTC-3 ludwa6 wrote:
>>> This is so freakin' awesome. Next to that moment in 1993 when i booted 
>>> up Netscape Navigator v0.9 beta for my first-ever experience of surfing the 
>>> WWW, this is like the most horizon-expanding experience i can recall having 
>>> at the keyboard. Transclusion within a single wiki is cool enough, though 
>>> Wikpedia's had that going for quite some time, but being able to transclude 
>>> content from any static site on the web, and plug that in anywhere you want 
>>> on your own silly-putty site so easily as this... This Changes Everything!  
>>>  /walt
>>> On Saturday, April 24, 2021 at 3:00:26 PM UTC+1 cj.v...@gmail.com wrote:
>>>> My revised version uses Wikipedia's "mobile" view , which looks really 
>>>> nice in a narrow sidebar:
>>>> \define AddTiddlyWikiTopic( topic )
>>>> <option value={{{ [[$topic$]split[ ]join[%2520]addprefix[
>>>> https://tiddlywiki.com/static/]addsuffix[.html]] }}}>$topic$</option>
>>>> \end
>>>> \define AddWikipediaTopic( topic )
>>>> <option value={{{ [[$topic$]encodeuri[]addprefix[
>>>> https://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=]addsuffix[&mobileaction=toggle_view_mobile]]
>>>> }}}>$topic$</option>
>>>> \end
>>>> <$select tiddler={{Docs!!title}} field="curr-topic">
>>>> <optgroup label="TiddlyWiki">
>>>> <<AddTiddlyWikiTopic  "Custom styles by data-tiddler-title">>
>>>> <<AddTiddlyWikiTopic  "Widgets">>
>>>> <<AddTiddlyWikiTopic  "Filter Operators">>
>>>> </optgroup>
>>>> <optgroup label="Wikipedia">
>>>> <<AddWikipediaTopic  "TiddlyWiki">>
>>>> <<AddWikipediaTopic  "WikiWikiWeb">>
>>>> <<AddWikipediaTopic  "Project Xanadu">>
>>>> </optgroup>
>>>> </$select>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href={{Docs!!curr-topic}} title="Open web page 
>>>> in a separate window/tab"  target="_blank">link</a>
>>>> <iframe  src={{Docs!!curr-topic}} height="500" width="100%"></iframe>
>>>> On Saturday, April 24, 2021 at 10:49:48 AM UTC-3 ludwa6 wrote:
>>>>> Thanks @Eric : it does indeed work nicely -only not in the sidebar; 
>>>>> after the streamlining you've done on Charlie's script, that 
>>>>> functionality 
>>>>> seems to have been compromised.
>>>>> @Hans: Have you implemented Eric's script without modification, and 
>>>>> does it display & function correctly in your sidebar?
>>>>> Anyway: Without really understanding the code, i'm now using Eric's 
>>>>> macro definition line at the top, followed by Charlie's UI-related code, 
>>>>> and that seems to work pretty well, tho the sidebar view doesn't flow so 
>>>>> well if it's set too narrow; i can certainly live w/ this -happy!    /w
>>>>> 8<------(snip)----->8
>>>>> \define AddTopic(topic) <option value={{{ 
>>>>> [[$topic$]encodeuri[]addprefix[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/]] 
>>>>> }}}>$topic$</option>
>>>>> <$select tiddler={{Wikipedia!!title}} field="curr-topic">
>>>>> <!--🔴 AddTopic takes as input tiddler titles from wikipedia.org  
>>>>> and  creates a link to same tiddler at the static site.
>>>>>              Add/modify/remove items as per the following three 
>>>>> examples
>>>>>              Order the topics as per your preferences
>>>>>              Add   "optgroup elements to group entries" -->
>>>>> <<AddTopic  "TiddlyWiki">>
>>>>> <<AddTopic  "WikiWikiWeb">>
>>>>> <<AddTopic  "Project_Xanadu">>
>>>>> </$select>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href={{Wikipedia!!curr-topic}} title="Open 
>>>>> web page in a separate window/tab"  target="_blank">link</a>
>>>>> <iframe  src={{Wikipedia!!curr-topic}} height="500" 
>>>>> width="100%"></iframe>
>>>>> 8<------(snip)----->8
>>>>> On Saturday, April 24, 2021 at 2:07:33 PM UTC+1 hww...@gmail.com 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> @Eric: Thanbk you.  
>>>>>> This works nicely and is, of course, quite extensible to sites like 
>>>>>> TiddlyWikiLinks.
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Hans
>>>>>> On Saturday, April 24, 2021 at 8:30:04 AM UTC-4 Eric Shulman wrote:
>>>>>>> On Saturday, April 24, 2021 at 3:16:22 AM UTC-7 ludwa6 wrote:
>>>>>>>> PS to my last: have fixed part of the problem: by adding the suffix 
>>>>>>>> clause back into macro (as below), it now pulls not a system-level 
>>>>>>>> error 
>>>>>>>> msg, but the error msg from wikipedia.org site itself, which seems 
>>>>>>>> to be objecting to the .html extension only... yet i can't find a way 
>>>>>>>> to 
>>>>>>>> remove that w/o reverting to the lower-level error msg.  Any insight 
>>>>>>>> about 
>>>>>>>> this problem would be appreciated!
>>>>>>> Try this in a tiddler named "ShowWikipediaFrame":
>>>>>>> \define AddTopic(topic) <option value={{{ 
>>>>>>> [[$topic$]encodeuri[]addprefix[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/]] 
>>>>>>> }}}>$topic$</option>
>>>>>>> <$select field="curr-topic">
>>>>>>> <<AddTopic  "TiddlyWiki">>
>>>>>>> <<AddTopic  "WikiWikiWeb">>
>>>>>>> <<AddTopic  "Project Xanadu">>
>>>>>>> </$select>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href={{!!curr-topic}} title="Open web page 
>>>>>>> in a separate window/tab"  target="_blank">link</a>
>>>>>>> <iframe src={{!!curr-topic}} height="500" width="100%"></iframe>
>>>>>>> Notes:
>>>>>>> * The filter  in AddTopic  needed a closing "]]".  Also, the filter 
>>>>>>> uses "encodeuri[]" rather than "split[ ]join[%2520]".  This handles all 
>>>>>>> special URI characters, not just space.
>>>>>>> * The target tiddler for storing the $select widget value is the 
>>>>>>> *current 
>>>>>>> tiddler*, rather than "Wikipedia" (or {{Wikipedia!!title}}) and the 
>>>>>>> corresponding <a href=...> and <iframe src=...> params simply fetch 
>>>>>>> {{!!curr-topic}} (i.e., from the current tiddler).  This allows you 
>>>>>>> transclude the above content as a template (e.g., 
>>>>>>> {{||ShowWikipediaFrame}}) and each transcluded instance can be used 
>>>>>>> to show a different selected topic.
>>>>>>> enjoy,
>>>>>>> -e 

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