I have found that the 2nd example 
<https://tiddlywiki.com/#sortby%20Operator%20(Examples)> of the sortby 
operator works, but only if the headings of the tiddlers to be listed and 
sorted are the same as and no longer than the prefixes. They are prefixes 
however, i.e. at the beginning of tiddler titles; not complete headings. 
Complete tiddler headings may for example look like: "SP. Tiddler heading" 
or "ER. Another tiddler heading". 

On Sunday, May 2, 2021 at 6:36:56 PM UTC+10 Max Rozeman wrote:

> Sorry -- that was a typing mistake, not a direct copy-paste. I did include 
> the exclamation marks in my attempt, and the list was alphabetical. The 
> documentation link is very useful more generally; -- there is more depth of 
> information on that site there than I previously realised, so I'll read it 
> more and hopefully learn to problem-solve better. I don't know where to 
> start with this sorting problem, except reading about `sortby` and trying 
> each content type for saving the `testKeys` tiddler. No success so far.
> On Sunday, May 2, 2021 at 12:08:16 AM UTC+10 PMario wrote:
>> <<list-links filter:"[priority[1]sortby{testKeys}]">>  
>> No exclamation marks. The have a meaning. See: more info in the docs 
>> <https://tiddlywiki.com/#Transclusion:Transclusion%20%5B%5BTransclusion%20Basic%20Usage%5D%5D%20%5B%5BTransclusion%20in%20WikiText%5D%5D%20%5B%5BTransclusion%20and%20Substitution%5D%5D>.
>> -m
>> On Saturday, May 1, 2021 at 3:35:51 PM UTC+2 Max Rozeman wrote:
>>> Thank you for your replies, Joost and Mario. 
>>> For the solution suggested by Mario, I have created the testKeys tiddler 
>>> with the space-separated list (without commas). 
>>> In another tiddler I tested it with the following: <<list-links 
>>> filter:"[priority[1]sortby{!!testKeys}]">>  The output is in alphabetical 
>>> order. I don't know what could be wrong or missing.
>>> On Saturday, May 1, 2021 at 10:10:37 PM UTC+10 PMario wrote:
>>>> On Saturday, May 1, 2021 at 11:53:38 AM UTC+2 dode...@gmail.com wrote:
>>>>> <$list filter="[tag[Tasks]each[status]get[status]*sortby{!!sortkey}]*
>>>>> ">
>>>> Hi Max, 
>>>> I'd use something like: [tag[asdf]sortby{testKeys}], where testKeys is 
>>>> a  single tiddler that contains the sort order
>>>> So tesKeys tiddler should contain a "space-separated" list eg: SC SP ER 
>>>> MV IR SN CT AC CO   ...  no commas! 
>>>> With your filter, the sortkeys field needs to be part of every tiddler. 
>>>> .. That's a lot of redundant work, especially if you need to change 
>>>> something and you have 100+ tiddlers. 
>>>> have fun!
>>>> mario

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